[old version] Post-implementation


Post-Implementation Survey

* 1. Name
  2. Organization
* 3. Email address
  4. Country
  5. Kindly give us a link to your Ushahidi implementation?
Answering this helps us improve our installer process.
  6. How long did it take to install Ushahidi?
  7. What were your goals for setting up the Ushahidi instance?
  8. How are you currently using the platform? What activities/data are you tracking E.g elections? crisis?
If you used Ushahidi for a campaign or initiative, from what dates did you start using the platform actively, and when did the campaign end/is it ongoing?
  9. Duration of campaign/initiative
This can be found in the dashboard. If you have a breakdown by web, email, SMS and twitter reports, we'd really appreciate it. If not, a total number of the incidents will do just fine. Did you have a pre-set goal of reports to collect?
  10. What was the total number of incident reports you received?
Responses to this question will help us evaluate the effectiveness of crowdsourcing information
  11. How would you describe the quality of data you received? ie, number of actionable or verified reports?
The metrics can be found in your google analytics summary, piwik or sitecounter stats. If you have questions on how to activate analytics, please email us at feedback at Ushahidi dot com. Please enter the following: Total pageviews of the instance, Average pageviews per session, Total hits, Average length per session (Time).
  12. Analytics data: It helps Ushahidi quantify activity on instances
Any Responses facilitated by the platform? Please share anecdotes of how the tool helped/resulted in additional actions, e.g program developed as a result of data collected, or information spread to people who wouldn't otherwise have the information?
  13. Got any anecdotes of how the platform helped during a crisis/situation?
  14. How helpful/not was the visualization capability of the platform?
How were you collecting data before? Does the aggregation and collection modes (SMS, email, web, twitter) help your organization? Any obstacles?
  15. Did the platform improve the data collection compared to other means of collecting data?
  16. Has mapping changed how you manage information? If so, how?
Have you found new / improved applications for your data?
Is there anything that was not immediately apparent before you mapped your data that is now observable on your mapping?
  17. Has the mapping/trending tool resulted in new insight?
  18. Any other thoughts you'd like to share? (Tips and lessons learned are welcomed)