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Special Features

WATCH: New ESCR-Net film Human Rights For and By the People: Securing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights from Below!

WATCH: New ESCR-Net film Human Rights For and By the People: Securing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights from Below!

June 28, 2011 EVENT: The Business and Human Rights Documentation (B-HRD) Project

Join us online or in-person for the launch of the Business and Human Rights Documentation (B-HRD or Be Heard) Project, a new interactive, multi-lingual portal that provides vital information about the human rights impacts of business activities, and with much needed advocacy tools to hold businesses accountable in a globalized world.

March 1, 2011 Toolkit for Action for the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

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On this page you can find the new Toolkit for Action for the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The toolkit has been created for NGOs and other civil society groups as well as States, in order to facilitate international and national advocacy work for the ratification of the Protocol and the national implementation of economic, social and cultural rights.  The Toolkit includes four Booklets.

Contents of Booklet 1

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Member News

June 17, 2011: Urgent Action - planned forced land acquisitions and repression of dissent in Jagatsinghpur

On June 17, 2011 The International Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights sent a letter calling on the Government of India to refrain from proceeding with the forcible entry and seizure of the lands in and around the village of Govindpur to make way for an integrated steel plant; desist from all acts of intimidation and the filing of baseless criminal charges against human rights defenders and undertake to respect the human rights of the affected community, including the right to liberty and security of person, peaceful assembly, food, water and adequate housing and prohibitions against forced evictions and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

July 5, 2011: REPORT: The PFF Struggle for Conservation and Protection of Mangroves Forests

During the last several weeks ESCR-Net has stood in solidarity with our member organization Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) who have mobilized in response to the clearing of mangroves and associated land grabbing activities.  The PFF has recently compiled a report documenting their struggle to defend their lands, their liveihoods and their lives that ESCR-Net is proud to share here.

6/15/2011: New Resource: Maximum Available Resources & Human Rights: Analytical Report

A new resource from ESCR-Net member CWGL, Maximum Available Resources & Human Rights: Analytical Report examines the many ways that governments can access financial resources in order to fulfill their obligation to use ‘maximum available resources' (MAR) for the realization of economic, social and cultural rights.

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