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Blogs about: Windows Azure

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Long Running Queue Processing (Year of Azure Week 3)

Brent wrote 11 hours ago: Sitting in Denver International Airport as I write this. I doubt I’ll have time to finish it before … more →

Tags: windows azure platform, Year of Azure

Windows Azure Team Wins Imagine Cup 2011 @ New York

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 13 hours ago: Once again a Good News!!!! Winners of the ninth annual Microsoft Imagine Cup were announced last Wed … more →

Tags: Azure, award, Imagine Cup 2011, SQL Azure, Windows Azure Team Wins, Windows Azure Team Wins Imagine Cup 2011

Increasing Developer Productivity with Windows Azure

Joel Forman wrote 1 day ago: Slalom Consultant Joel Forman specializes in cloud computing and the Windows Azure Platform. For the … more →

Tags: cloud, Azure, Developers, Featured, hosting, Productivity, SQL Azure

Microsoft's Vision of 'The Post Virtualistation Era'

Gerard Healy wrote 2 days ago: In part one of the concept of cloud computing was introduced and the key types of solutions (private … more →

Tags: enterprise, Amazon, apple 2, BPOs, cisco, cloud, EC2, EMC, Fujitsu

Get your free 30-day SQL Azure trial here

Johan Åhlén wrote 2 days ago: Now you have the chance to test SQL Azure completely for FREE for 30 days. No credit card required. … more →

Tags: technical, SQL Azure, SQL Server

SQL Azure Federations (Because you have a lot of data)

susanibach wrote 2 days ago: Last week I explained SQL Azure Essentials for the Database Developer where I covered some of the di … more →

Tags: SQL Server, SQL Azure, Database Developer, Azure, Federation

Windows Azure - Deleting Registered Azure Storage Domain

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 2 days ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how to delete the domain registered with an Azure … more →

Tags: Azure, Deleting Registered Azure Storage Domain, Deleting Azure Storage Domain, Delete domain in azure, azure deleting domain, windows azure domain deleted, delete a domain in azure, Azure Domain, Domain delete

Windows Azure - Add a Custom Domain to the Storage Account

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 3 days ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how to add a Custom domain to the Storage Account … more →

Tags: Azure, Custom Domain, Add custom domain in azure, Azure custom domain, Domain register in azure, Adding windows azure custom domain name, register custom domain name in azure, Windows Azure custom domain, domain register

Windows Azure - Regenerate Access Keys for Azure Storage Account

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 4 days ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how to generate new Access Keys of Azure Storage A … more →

Tags: Azure, SQL Azure, Creating New Access Keys, Access keys regenerate, regenerate new access keys, generate new access keys, Access keys generate in azure, azure access keys regenerate, Primary Access key

Windows Azure - Get Access Keys for Azure Storage Account

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 4 days ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how fetch the Access Keys of an Azure Storage Acco … more →

Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Access Keys for Azure Storage Account, Primary access key in azure storage, secondary access key in azure, Get access keys in windows azure, azure access keys restore, fetch access keys in azure, copy azure access keys

Retos del Verano MSDN España

Hugo Martinez wrote 1 week ago: El dia de hoy me llego un correo interesante de varios retos de tecnologias microsoft, en el cual in … more →

Tags: HTML5, Windows Phone, webmatrix, Visual Studio LightSwitch, Visual Studio LightSwitch, kinect

Windows Azure - Configure & Connect to Remote Desktop of Asp.Net Azure Web Role

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 1 week ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how to configure and connect a Remote Desktop of A … more →

Tags: Azure, SQL Azure, Azure Remote connection, Remote desktop connect azure, Azure Remote desktop connection, Configure Azure remote desktop, Connect Windows Azure remote desktop, Azure remote desktop configuration, Azure remote desktop connect

Windows Azure Platform: July 14th Links

Joel Forman wrote 1 week ago: Slalom Consultant Joel Forman specializes in cloud computing and the Windows Azure Platform. It has … more →

Tags: cloud, wpc, inbound transfer, WIF

Windows Azure - Windows Azure Storage Emulator: Unable to Start Development Storage Error - Fix

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 1 week ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see a real time error fix on initializing Windows Azur … more →

Tags: Azure, Visual studio 2010, Windows, ASP.Net Azure Web Application, cloud, Windows Azure Management Portal, Unable to Start Development Storage, Windows Azure Storage Emulator

Windows Azure - SWAP VIP of Azure Application from Staging to Production and ViceVersa

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 1 week ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how to Swap the deployed Azure Application from St … more →

Tags: Azure, Windows, Swap environments in Azure, Swap stage to prod, swap staging to production, Swapping applications in Azure, Swap Azure Application Environments from Staging to Pro, Swap VIP in azure, Azure Swapping

Deploying My First Windows Azure AppFabric Application

michaelcollier wrote 1 week ago: In my last post I walked through the basic steps on creating my first Windows Azure AppFabric Applic … more →

Tags: AppFabric, Azure

Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles (Year of Azure Week 2)1 comment

Brent wrote 1 week ago: Tired of it taking 10-30 minutes to deploy updates to your website? Want a faster solution that does … more →

Tags: windows azure platform, Year of Azure

Windows Azure - Reimage a running Role Instance of an ASP.Net Azure Web Application

Karthikeyan Anbarasan wrote 1 week ago: Introduction: In this article we are going to see how to ReImage a running instance of an Azure appl … more →

Tags: Azure, Visual studio 2010, Windows, azure reimage, Asp.net 2., ASP.Net Azure Web Application, C#3.0, C#4.0, Windows Azure Management Portal

Windows Azure Marketplace Expanded to Apps

Dmitry Frenkel wrote 1 week ago: Going beyond data: Windows Azure Marketplace just announced that it is expanding its capabilities to … more →

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