Everyone has heard bold statements from one politician or another on what we must do to win the battle for the future.  Whether urging Americans to tighten their belts, sustain corporate tax breaks or invest in public projects, it seems everyone in Washington has some advice on what America must do to weather the coming economic storm.  Though the specifics of what is expected to happen and the suggested policies to mitigate any harm vary widely, it seems accepted and understood that things are due to change for Americans and people around the world.
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Given my experiences with China’s developing infrastructure and my regular exposure to foreign and domestic engineers, it was only a matter of time before I started getting into discussions of the government’s other developmental policies.  In just a month here I’ve had a host of conversations on subjects of economics and politics, many of which left me questioning my preconceptions on China’s system of governance as well as some of my own ideals of political theory.  Energy policy is one of those contentious issues tied closely to China’s development, yet also laden with a host of social and environmental concerns.
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A recent Ghana News Agency article on media responsibility and political tension touched on several issues that seem to trouble stable democracies every bit as much as those still developing.   The role of media in governance is a subject often argued over to no firm conclusion, with the focus on accountability clashing sharply with concepts of press freedom. Regardless of the system or quality of governance, news media’s approach to informing the public has great impact on public discourse and ultimately the outcomes of elections.
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Egyptian Army council General Mamdouh Shahin announced on Wednesday final amendments to the country’s electoral law. The new system has a lot in common with what I previously wrote about, with some key changes. Under the new system, fifty percent of seats in the lower house of parliament, the People’s Assembly, will be awarded through closed-list proportional representation, while the other half will be awarded in two-seat districts.  This is a change from the draft law the SCAF put out where only one third of seats would be PR.  Perhaps the most interesting aspect is the extremely low threshold for entering parliament, which was placed at 1/2 of all national votes.

The new law also abolishes the 64 seats reserved for women, which was instituted before the last election in 2010. In its place is a provision that mandates every party list must include at least one female. Other changes in the law include lowering the age for candidate eligibility from 30 to 25, and stipulating that elections take place in three stages.

I can think of three major implications of the new laws.  Let’s start with the new PR tier.  The ordinal tier of seats will be divided into 58 constituencies, which for 252 seats (half of the 504 elected members) will create an average district magnitude of 4.3  That’s not very proportional; combined with the two seat districts this system still looks very majoritarian.   This makes the .5% threshold all the more bizarre.  As far as I know this would make Egypt’s threshold the lowest in the world, even more so than neighboring Israel.  While Israel’s one nationwide district allows for extreme party fragmentation, however, I don’t think Egypt’s threshold will have much impact.  Maybe Egypt’s planners read Carey and Hix’s recent paper, The Electoral Sweet Spot: Low-Magnitude Proportional Electoral Systems.  In the paper, the authors,  find an optimal district magnitude – around three to eight seats – which produces low party fragmentation while still retaining a level of proportionality associated with higher seats per district.  This sort of assumes, however, that the other half of seats aren’t awarded in the strange two-seat districts that Egypt’s will be.

The second, somewhat related point, is the impact this system will have on women’s representation.  Mandating one candidate per list be female is a weak stipulation.  With no requirement for where on the list the women has to be, it will be easy for a party to bury women at the bottom of their lists.  This incentive will only increase in small magnitude districts as it will become more likely that only the top one or two candidates will be elected.

As far as the three stages for elections go, I think this is also a bad idea.  The fear I have with this is it will give parties an incentive to call for a boycott after the first stage if they don’t like the results.  This could have the effect of delegitimizing an otherwise well-conducted election.  (I’m not assuming it will be of course).

Cross posted at Ahwa Talk.


One thing I might never have expected to be reinforced by my travels across China was my understanding of the importance of language and definitions.  Particularly in propaganda or other materials meant to motivate and influence the tides of public discourse.  Visiting varied museums on China’s modern history I found myself surprised time and again to see references to democracy among the praises of what the CCP brought to the populace.
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