الــمـؤتـمــر الـليـبـي للامــازيـغـيـة

    Libyan Tmazight Congress
    Agraw a’Libi n’Tmazight    


المؤتمر الليبي للامازيغية  منظمة ليبية تعنى بالمسألة الامازيغية والدفاع عن حقوق المتحدثين باللغة الامازيغية. تأسس المؤتمر في 17 سبتمبر 2000، ولظروف الوطن  يتخذ المؤتمر المهجر قاعدة لاعماله



المؤتمر اصدرات وثائق وتقارير امازيغيات اباضيات شخصيات متابعات أس انغ بريد الامازيغية جمعية تانميرت نقطة الالتقاء روابط







التقرير الامازيغي



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نقطة الالتقاء









  Libyan Tmazight Congress

Founding Manifesto



On September 17th 2950 ( 2002), the Libyan T’mazight Congress ( A.L.T) was established as Independent National Libyan foundation which congregates and assembles all who are devoted to supportive of and working for the T’mazight cause. The congress stands and launches its activities and works to achieve its goals and demands based on the following two principles:

 1.      Assurance of the principles of human rights and basic freedoms, democracy and social justice.

2.      Assurance of the affiliation of Libya’s national, historical and cultural civilization.


The A.L.T has specified its goals and objectives on the following:

 1.      Protect, defend and develop T’mazight existence, identity and culture within Libya’s national existence.

2.      Inclusion of T’mazight and all its anchors, popularly and constitutionally, and ensure all its rights following this inclusions.


The A.L.T summarizes its demands on the following:

 ·        The official inclusion of T’mazight constitutionally as apart of the Libyan national identity and national culture.

·        The recognition of Tmazight language, along with Arabic, as national and official language, and provision of support to be made available in educational institutions, governmental and public offices, media, and public use.

·        Immediate cancellation of all suppressive orders and actions against the amazigh and their rights, such as forfeiting of land, hindering civil and regional administrative rights, oppressing the right to practice religious faith, prohibiting the establishments of cultural organisations and civil rights organisations, misrepresenting Libyan history and effacing of cultural and geographical features and landmarks.

·        Immediate terminations of all forms of abuse against the rights of Tmazight scholars and activities, and rehabilitation of those affected by this abuse.


The A.L.T considers all Libyans and all who support and work the T’mazight cause to be members in the congress. Membership is open to all who respect and commit to the principles of the congress ( goals, demands, membership conditions, rules and policies).

 Moreover, in order to protect its principle and in order to achieve and attain of its goals, and objective and demands the A.L.T has the right to use all legal means and laws available.

 Finally, the A.L.T invites all interested individuals and organisations, which support and respect A.L.T principles, to join the membership and provide their support.



London, Uk

17.09.2950 (2000)


* Tmazight = Berber







Libyan Tmazight Congress

P.O.Box 174, Middlesex UB2 5QF, England

Tel: +44 7719729655
