First Principles: Arguing the Economy

As the economy begins to show signs of life, it's important that progressives own the recovery. Despite the fact that conservative policies plunged us into the economic crisis, the right's ideas continue to dominate the discourse. It's time for new ideas and arguments that can restore broad-based prosperity, and for a sharper critique of conservative economics.

Rethinking Taxes: Proud to Pay

With Tax Day approaching, we offer two ideas that aim to change the American taxpayer's attitude toward paying taxes: a taxpayer receipt, and the ability to choose where some of your taxes go.

A World of Our Making

The international order that America created will endure—if we make the transition to a grand strategy based on reciprocity and shared leadership.

Metro Connection

With Washington paralyzed by gridlock, states—and the metropolitan areas that power them—need to take the lead in rebuilding the economy.

Fed Up

The Federal Reserve is shrouded in obscurity. That’s partly its fault—but it’s partly progressives’ fault, too.


Twain’s Gilded Age, and Ours

The sage of Hannibal wasn’t right about everything, but we could use a dose of his outrage today.

Strength Through Restraint

America can scale back its global ambitions and still emerge stronger. In fact, it’s the only way.

In Defense of Tenure

It might be under attack, but academic tenure is essential to preserving academic freedom.

Corps Values

A pioneer of social entrepreneurship reflects on his career and the future of public service.

The “Hood Robin” Economy

No one can agree on the causes of inequality, but its effects are indisputable: more policies that benefit the already rich.


Editor’s Note

Michael Tomasky introduces Issue #20.

Federal Case

The neoliberal approach to governing ignores a crucial fact: Government is best when it is big. A response to Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer.

Red, White, and Blue Collar

The working class became more diverse in the 1970s—but we can’t wish away the fact that it declined as well. A response to Jennifer Klein.

Letters to the Editor

Letters from our readers

Making History

The right has been relentless in explaining American history through a conservative prism.