After bin Laden

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Uploaded by on May 2, 2011

What lessons can we draw from the death of Osama bin Laden? Cato Institute foreign policy, information policy and legal scholars discuss the implications. Featured Cato scholars include Christopher A. Preble, David Rittgers, Malou Innocent and Jim Harper. Video produced by Austin Bragg and Evan Banks.

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  • Davit Rittgers makes an excellent point about the line between liberty and security. It brings to mind the difference between the needs of children versus adults. A child needs security, and it comes at the cost of liberty, but an adult needs liberty, and it comes at the cost of security. One should hope that our national character is that of an adult, and not a child.

  • bin Laden's death is irrelevant in the greater scheme of things. Him being alive or dead had no basis for the US empire's presence in the Middle East. Our gov't has been there since WW2 for oil. Throughout history, bin Laden was merely one opponent of many to our imperialism. He made a mistake in attacking US civilians, but there was a degree of credibility to his condemnation of US foreign policy. Only partisan sheep are praising our police state today.

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  • @UBSCARED: “You're a fucking moron who can't read.”

    Yeah I get that a lot; especially from far-left liberal ass-wipes who clearly desire that history be rewritten before our very eyes. Even though when the head of CIA is asked a direct and pointed question, especially given Leon Panetta’s reputation for candid response, and he does not counter with an express denial... He is clearly acknowledging the affirmative!

    Grow a brain, Bumpkins; rather than borrowing from the liberal mind-hive.

  • @deficithawker: “In the text you quoted, Panetta clearly says that he does not know whether enhanced interrogation did or did not help.”

    Bullshit. Although do find a mirror and reread Panetta’s remarks, Braintrust, only move your lips while mouthing the words. Panetta neither implied, inferred nor remotely suggested NOT knowing.

    Thanks so much.

  • @PoliticallyBlazed You should have watched the video I recommended and saved yourself some embarrassment. In the text you quoted, Panetta clearly says that he does not know whether enhanced interrogation did or did not help. You misunderstand him to say it did provide information. He does not deny that waterboarding was in part among the tactics but he does not confirm it either. That is made clear in the video I recommended to you. Watch it to spare yourself further embarrassment.

  • @selfrealizedexile Bin Laden's death is not irrelevant. You have no understanding of terrorism. There is nothing wrong with US presence in the middle east for oil. America was built on slave labor and land stolen from the Indians. It was not and never will be the libertarian paradise you imagine. You're a naive child.

  • @deficithawker: "The intel did not come from water boarding. Watch a video on my channel..."

    No thanks. I’ve already read Panetta’s statements from his interview with Brian Williams.


    WILLIAMS: “...are you denying that waterboarding was in part among the tactics used to extract the intelligence that led to this successful mission?”

    PANETTA: “No...”

    WILLIAMS: “…that includes waterboarding?”

    PANETTA: “That's correct.”


    Heeeellloooo? Knock on computer screen!!!

  • What is with the dopey music playing in the background? Is it to distract from the fact that there is no real analysis in this video? Lots of words but no real content. It's like reading a exam from a student who did not prepare and merely filled the page with words. Very pathetic. If you don't know anything then say so and shut up. Trying to BS people with "analysis" make you look like a dumb ass.

  • @Viracocha711 You are 100% correct. The intel did not come from torture. That is merely wishful thinking on the part of the neocons.

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