The Constitutional Case for Marriage Equality

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Uploaded by on Jun 7, 2011

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On June 12, 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down bans on interracial marriage in more than a dozen states in the case of Loving v. Virginia. Today, the highest court in the United States may soon take on the issue of marriage equality for gay and lesbian relationships. Attorneys David Boies and Theodore B. Olson are hoping the case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger will further establish marriage as a fundamental right of citizenship. Also featured are John Podesta, President of the Center for American Progress, Cato Institute Chairman Robert A. Levy and Cato Executive Vice President David Boaz.

Video produced by Caleb O. Brown and Austin Bragg. Event footage shot by Evan Banks.

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  • Marriage equality could equally mean abolishing state recognition of straight marriage to the same level gay marriage currently has (none).

  • Legalizing gay marriage EXTENDS an unequal system, and that's the biggest flaw here: the argument is that equal protection demands this, but it results with siblings still disallowed from marrying.

    Boies says you can't have discrimination, but his own case would result in continued discrimination, by his own standard.

    Make this about true equality, and not about gays. Of course, that means you have to champion incest, which is icky, but ... go all the way, or go home.

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  • @NekoMouser OK try this, the term marriage has through history been a union between a man and woman, even the Roman Empire who had open acceptance of homosexuality had no gay marriage officially. As I said, it is similar to the Muslims taking the Star of David as their symbol.

  • @NekoMouser

    And i'm obviously not arguing that any conceivable pair of men and women should be considered "married", I'm just saying that the procreation ability involved in a relationship where that is relevant is an important distinction. As important as distinguishing between male and female.

    The stupid thing is, that makes you just a prejudiced POS, is that you want the state recognizing "sex" basically. Two private parts rubbing together is what you want being the special requirement.

  • @pudgenet

    Sadly, the founding document of the US doesn't change anything. Calling things natural rights is wordplay. If we all as a society decided tomorrow you had no right to life, we'd all live and operate that way, regardless of "nature."

  • @NekoMouser

    The fact that a relationship between two people who can reproduce is special is undeniable and based on biological fact just like the differences between the sexes are based on biological fact.

    Dude, not unless you intended to and the law allowed it obviously. You are being silly and stupid. I'm saying that the fact of being able to reproduce makes a relationship obviously and undeniably special. It at LEAST deserves its own word.

  • @NekoMouser

    Marriage is about procreation. It just happened to be about men and women for thousands of years in almost every part of the globe with few exceptions. Just a coincidence obviously. Also obviously just a coincidence that women and men can procreate, you know, the thing that allows our species to exist. Just some trifling concern.

  • @kev3d

    The perceived value for anyone who gets their value of things partially based on what others seem to think of something. Which is basically almost everyone.

    Because it defines something different. Why the fuck do we use words that have different meanings? Why not just say blah blah blah blah blah?

  • @stetsonwalker

    Oh and don't think the irony of your being so set in cement on your opinion that I am too set in cement to bend being your reason for not giving an actual answer is lost on me. You're SO convinced I can't be convinced, you won't even try. Love it.

  • @stetsonwalker

    Big surprise. No rational explanation to be found. Only "tradition" and "just because."

    I rest my case.

    If you ever do think of a rational reason, I'd simply love to hear it...

  • @NekoMouser No point in trying, you are too set in cement to bend, if you will scroll back and look at my original posting on this....

  • @pudgenet What is wrong about siblings getting married? You provide no valid argument at all. You are correct that if we allow gay marriage we should allow marriage between siblings too but what is the problem with allowing siblings to marry, in your opinion? First cousins are allowed to be married in more states than gays are as it is right now.

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