

Welcome to the Development Office

Giving to the College

Giving to St Antony's online has never been easier and the simplest way to do so is through our dedicated online giving website at this link. Alternatively tax efficient giving can be simplified offline or online using the forms below.

In the last three years, the generous donations to the Annual Fund have helped support a range of activities:

·        The cost of facilitating many student-run conferences and workshops

·        Contribution to a new boat for the Boat Club

·        Several student scholarships & bursaries

·        Student career conference

Gifts to St Antony's of any size are most welcome. Donors from the UK, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong and the USA, who are taxpayers in their own home countries, can give tax-efficiently to the College, using the links below.

Please find below links to donation forms in word format.

UK Donation form ( word)

US Donation Form (word)

Canadian Donation Form (word)

German Donation Form (word)

Hong Kong Donation Form (word)

Overseas Donation Form (word)

If you would like to make an electronic bank transfer, we are happy to send you the appropriate details upon request.

Bequests to the College are also greatly appreciated. A copy of our legacy leaflet is also available upon request.

If you require further information about giving to the College, please contact:

Kathie Mackay
Alumni Officer
The Development Office
St Antony's College
Oxford OX2 6JF
Tel. +44 (0)1865 274497



UK Donation Form (word)