CrocGiant croc

The fossilised remains of a 20ft-long extinct species of crocodile are discovered in a mine in Colombia. BBC News

Dinosaur fossil in silhouetteTake a Planet Dinosaur Tour

Experience dinosaurs for yourself by going on a BBC Planet Dinosaur Tour at leading museums and science centres across the UK


  • Rhino (Thinkstock)Rhino reproduction

    Assisted reproduction: an increasingly common tool in the fight to protect this species.

On TV and Radio

  • Sir David Attenborough and bower (c) BBC/Richard Kirby/Nature Picture Library Animal house

    Sir David Attenborough tells the stories of the world’s best animal architects

  • Beluga (image: giants

    Unique and privileged access into the magical world inhabited by the huge creatures that lives beneath the waves

  • Baby panda Miracle babies

    For an endangered animal, each and every birth is vital for the survival of the species

  • BBC Live 'n' DeadlyLive 'n' Deadly

    Enjoy the shows, the Deadly Days Out and the new games

Video collections

Dinosaur Season

  • Behind the scenes of Planet DinosaurBuilding a dinosaur

    A look behind the scenes at how the Planet Dinosaur team created a world of dinosaurs.

  • ArgentinosaurusMeet the monsters

    A decade of discovery has unearthed a new world of dinosaurs.

  • The dinosaurs return Watch

    Planet Dinosaur is coming, telling the stories of the biggest, deadliest and weirdest creatures ever to walk the Earth

  • Dinosaur domination

    The late Jurassic was the golden age of dinosaurs and the era of giants

  • Age of the dinosaur

    Meet life-size, moving animatronic dinosaurs and other strange creatures at an exhibition at the Natural History Museum, London

  • Preservation

    Learn about 'the Medusa effect', which can preserve ancient reptiles in stunning detail navigation

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