
An absolute all-time favourite arcade game. Found on most arcade machines at the local corner cafe, Pacman is an icon of the 80's. Loved by all this game has all the ingredients to challenge even the best.


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  1. anika on , anika

    Pocman rock androol and is cool!!!????????

  2. murembe on , murembe

    poa poa pacman 4 life

  3. chanique on , chanique

    i hate this game it suks

  4. mfundo mayatula on , mfundo mayatula

    pacman tiz ma best game sins i was young

  5. mfundo mayatula on , mfundo mayatula

    pacman tiz ma best game sins i was young

  6. sive on , sive

    i love gals wu likes me

  7. Dabreo on , Dabreo

    man i love the game but i m just worried about the graphics someone should remake the game or make a reloaded version

  8. zinhle on , zinhle


  9. zinhle on , zinhle


  10. michelle on , michelle

    rjjk;jjuujioptnbhfvuefjheri7t3joirg75yjuhgd879riop8f xbuo8fbd89chcjkchjduyrjicxvbhjvc798fgij8fbihda90ibfjiodffgniojserthopij56
