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Do you lie to your kids?

Sam Wilson doesn't think it's fair to lie to children. What do you think?

Do you lie to your kids?

I try extremely hard not to lie to my kids, even the ‘accepted ones’.

I don’t tell them that injections aren’t going to hurt or that Father Christmas brought their gifts or that their music playing is orchestra-worthy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mean... I simply tell them that it’s only going to hurt like the blazes for a tiny bit, that the family chose their presents with love and that their daily practising is really paying off.

I just feel that it’s hard enough for a small, inexperienced person to trust older folk, without us confusing them with ‘fun’ or ‘helpful’ untruths.

On the other end of the scale, there are parents who tell their children that their faces are going to freeze when they pull weird faces, or that the Bogeyman’s going to come get them if they don’t pick up their clothes or that the other children at school are lying about the Easter Bunny being your dad.

Read more by Sam Wilson

Where do you fit on this spectrum?
By: Sam Wilson


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