


Data Products is a world-leading source of data, providing accurate, up-to-the-second insights for specialized clients in specialized fields. Our Analysts harness their entrepreneurial spirit to process and deliver for complex markets. It’s not just crunching numbers. It’s moving our clients forward.

We’re the professionals who produce and populate the numbers, figures, algorithms, research notes and analysis that power Bloomberg products and functions. It’s about delivering something tangible that 300,000 subscribers can utilize in 30 seconds, versus taking three days to track down.

We intake, scrub and distill raw data to convey actionable information and make our clients informed decision-makers. Our teams are immersed in all aspects of Bloomberg through the Bloomberg Professional® service, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), Bloomberg Law (BLAW) and our Data Solutions products.

Case Study: Bloomberg Dividend Forecasting

Global Data developed the breakout Bloomberg Dividend Forecasting functionality to help financial market players who use dividends to make better decisions. Bloomberg's Dividend Forecasts have exploded in popularity by bringing increased accuracy and transparency to the area of corporate dividend projections.

What are Dividend Forecasts?

Dividends on common stocks are optional payments made by companies to their shareholders to increase the return on their investment. Shareholders receive these dividends, while derivative holders (such as those holding call options) do not receive dividends and must account for their absence.

Predicting the amount and timing of these payouts is important to both parties in the investment process. But, before Bloomberg's Dividend Forecasts, there was no comprehensive global source for these predictions.

What does the function do?

Bloomberg creates forecasts through a team of Analysts looking at company information such as transcripts, financial statements and statistical analysis. Essentially, our Analysts create refined data out of existing data.

By displaying these forecasts to Bloomberg users, this functionality allows market players to see future dividends on a company-by-company basis—rolled up in an index, scanned as part of a search and displayed as an input to financial models.

How does it bring transparency?

Along with our forecasts, Bloomberg displays the data used to come up with trends, relevant financial data, quotes from company management and Wall Street predictions, all with historical accuracy. This allows users to not only see how we arrive at a forecast, but also how to make their own forecasts if they have a different opinion.

Our historical accuracy and focus on transparency have won us widespread acceptance from clients, and has given our Analysts broad exposure in Bloomberg multimedia outlets.

Business – Global Data

Global Data is the core business powering the delivery of Bloomberg data. Not just facts and figures, but deep insights and analysis that help our clients make better, faster decisions.

Global Data has daily market exposure, piping data into Bloomberg products every second. These high-profile positions come with substantial responsibility; they require dedication to speed, quality and accuracy. They also come with the opportunity to build relationships with big names in finance and to receive broad financial markets training through programs such as our four-week Global Data Training Program (GDTP).

Primary responsibilities include updating and maintaining relevant databases for a designated market area. In addition, Global Data is often the second or third point of contact for detailed customer inquiries. When a question directed to Financial Product Analytics focuses exclusively on a granular data product, it falls to our Global Data Analytics team to provide the answer.

Who thrives here? Analytical minds. Numerical thinkers. People who are statistical or mathematical in nature, who enjoy digging to find answers and figuring things out. Successful Analysts are those who strive to make things better through continual process improvements, finding new relevant data sets and searching for new answers in existing data.

In addition, we mentor less-experienced colleagues to grow and advance in their skill-sets. What intrigues people about Global Data is the ability to see the results of our data live. Whether you are sourcing market data from new or existing providers, or processing complex financial data, your work will enhance your research skills and bolster your expertise.

Business – Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF)

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) is the world’s leading provider of information and analysis in clean energy, carbon markets and low-carbon technologies.

Our team of 150+ people curates and produces reports, investment data, research, advisory services and executive events—on a subscription basis. Our client base includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and advisors.

We offer real thought leadership. We’re not tied to one particular business or industry perspective. Teaming across 10 offices in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Africa, we take policy, technology, value chain analytics and economics into consideration. Our professionals essentially track who’s leading the low-carbon future and present a point of view.

BNEF leads a very young industry. Opportunities to make your career in new energy are extensive. Founded in 2004, we became a business around the time "clean energy" was entering the common vernacular.

Who thrives here? Academics. BNEF is, fundamentally, academic in approach. Our output is research notes, white papers and conference presentations. The educational requirements are substantial. Professionals come to us from top-ranked university Master’s and PhD programs—usually with a senior thesis that received significant attention.

Explore BNEF in more detail:

Potential Career Path
>> Product Lead
>> Team Lead
>> Senior Analyst
>> Analyst
>> Foundational Training
Facts and Figures
  • 1,700+ people worldwide
  • Data Teams Include:
    • Fixed Income
    • Equities
    • Commodities
    • Derivatives
    • Pricing
    • FX
    • Economics Statistics
    • Funds
    • Clean Energy/Carbon Markets
    • Legal
  • Located in New York, Princeton, London, Frankfurt, Cape Town, Dubai, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore and São Paulo.
  • The majority of people come from, but are not limited to, accounting, finance, economics, mathematics and statistics backgrounds.