No to Chocolate! No to Chilies!!

Wed 18 Aug 2010, 08:55        0  Comment(s)     Email article
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I think I have been over doing it with the chocolate and chilies, especially the chocolate. So from last week Friday, you will be proud to know that I haven't had a single chocolate or cake since then, only last night for the first time and that was like 3 small pieces of swiss rolls. As for the chilies, well I had some the other night and well lets just say my tummy didn't take it too well. At least it wasn't a violent reaction but I still think I need to be moderate with eating that.


I am so proud of me for keeping it up.


*SNich gives herself a pat on the back*


Ja no, I really have been over doing it and so I gave it much thought especially when Schnee reminded me that I could get diabetes. Thank you Schnee Laughing So with that in mind, I have also been trying to eat really healthy, not that I haven't but more fruit has been incorporated in to my diet and I have been trying to tone it down with the eating because I really do not want to be a rolly-polly walking down the streets after Babietjie is born.


So today is Wednesday and I have two looooooooooooooong meetings today, the first starting at 9. Sheesh, I don't know if I will be able to keep my eyes open in this meeting never mind control my bladder. For some strange reason, I have been feeling really tired over the last two days. Perhaps it is also because I have been going to bed late but that was last night. The night before, I slept like a baby so I can't understand what the issue is.


This morning I realised that 90% of the maternity clothes that I have is for Winter and now that the weather is warming up, all that I can wear are these long thick jerseys and skinny pants :(. That means I have to go shopping AGAIN and I just hate it really. J2 keeps saying that I must go without even asking him because if I need, I must go and buy as long as I am comfortable. Not sure if I will go this weekend but will have to go very soon.


Well have to dash off to my first meeting. Wish me well. Hope you all have a fantastic day...


Ps, J2 and I have started the process with applying for a homeloan. Please do keep us in your prayers...



Topics:  chocolate   chilies   clothes   homeloan  

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