Degree and Graduation Requirements

Concordia offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees, as well as a Master of Education in World Language Instruction. It is important that students understand the requirements of their desired degree. Advisers will assist in selecting programs of study. All students have access to Degree Works, an electronic degree audit system. This tool, as well as the academic catalog, provides students the information necessary to evaluate their progress toward degree completion. The Office of the Registrar manages the system. Any questions or concerns about the degree audit and the information it provides should be directed to the office. However, the final responsibility for meeting all requirements rests with the student.

Students graduate according to requirements published in the Concordia College Catalog at the time of their matriculation at Concordia, or any one subsequent catalog published during their enrollment. Students who are readmitted two years or more after their last enrollment must satisfy requirements published in the catalog in effect at the time of readmission, or any one subsequent catalog published during their enrollment. Graduation rates are available from the Office of the Registrar.

Bachelor of Arts Degree – Requirements
1. General
A. 126 semester credits (excluding music ensembles)
B. Cumulative GPA of 2.0 in Concordia courses and in all courses combined
C. Residence requirements met (see Residence Requirement below)
D. 40 semester credits with senior college credit (courses numbered 300 and above)

2. Major
A. Completion of all requirements for at least one major, as outlined in the department pages of the catalog
B. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in Concordia courses and all courses in the major presented for graduation

3. Liberal Arts Core Curriculum requirements

Bachelor of Music Degree – Requirements
1. General
A. Minimum 126 semester credits (excluding music ensembles)
B. Cumulative GPA of 2.0 in Concordia courses and in all courses combined
C. Residence requirements met (see Residence Requirement below)
D. 40 semester credits with senior college credit (courses numbered 300 and above)

2. Major
A. The Bachelor of Music degree is available in five different areas: instrumental music, piano, voice, music theory/composition, and music teaching. Each program has its own requirements, which are listed in the music department pages.
B. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in Concordia courses and all courses in the major presented for graduation

3. Liberal Arts Core Curriculum requirements
A. First-Year Experience courses and both Religion courses (as listed In the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum)

Graduation Honors: The required grade point average (GPA) scale for graduation honors is 3.5 for cum laude, 3.7 for magna cum laude and 3.9 for summa cum laude. Honors listed in the Commencement program are based on grades up to but not including the current semester. The final honors status is determined after all grades are known.

All academic work, including transfer credits, is counted in determining graduation honors. Two GPAs are computed for all students — a Concordia GPA and a cumulative GPA that includes grades from transfer credits. (If a student has no transfer credits, the two GPAs are identical.) Graduation honors are based on the lower of the two GPAs.

Diplomas and Commencement Participation: Diplomas are awarded only to students who have satisfied all graduation requirements and who have settled all financial obligations with the Business Office. Students who are within 12 semester credits of completing their graduation requirements and will complete them by the end of the summer may participate in the May Commencement ceremonies. However, a diploma is not awarded until all graduation requirements are met.

Residence Requirement: To fulfill this requirement, students must earn at least 28 semester credits on campus and must spend the last two semesters preceding graduation as a full-time student at Concordia.

Information For:

current students
faculty and staff
high school students
admitted students