The Nation

Correcting the Abysmal 'New York Times' Coverage of Occupy Wall Street

Correcting the Abysmal 'New York Times' Coverage of Occupy Wall Street

Yes, the Occupy Wall Street activists are leaderless and lost. But Ginia Bellafante fails to tell the bigger story: how the harsh police crackdown keeps the vast majority of Americans hit by the recession from getting involved.

Posted September 26, 2011

The Rise of Unregulated Drug Trials in South America

The Rise of Unregulated Drug Trials in South America

US regulators are turning a blind eye to the risks of offshore clinical trials.

Posted September 21, 2011

Why Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama

Why Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama

Progressives sign a call for antiwar, anticorporate Democrats to mount primary campaigns to challenge Obama and the politics of compromise.

Posted September 24, 2011

Books and the Arts

How the World Trade Center turned Manhattan into a planned community.

The aesthetic illusions of a Korean artist.

A biographer's flawed attempt to rediscover the politics in the decidedly political life of Malcolm X.

News and Analysis

American flag

Van Jones of Green For All has joined, the Campaign for America’s Future and dozens of other progressive organizations to challenge the reign of private interests.

It's past time for a speedy withdrawal of all UN soldiers from Haiti.

The proverbial bogeymen of our world—Osama, Saddam, Gaddafi, Ahmadinejad—are clearly meant to act like so many mini-black holes absorbing all our fears.  But they won’t save the West from its decline, or the former sole superpower from its comeuppance.

Rick Perry

Who will save America from the grip of unions, sissies, humiliation, crisis and malaise? The Texas governor fancies he’s the cowboy for the job.

Barack Obama

The NLRB has proposed a rule change that would make it much easier for workers to organize. No wonder the business lobby is up in arms.

There will not be justice for Troy Davis. But his case has reawakened Americans to a relic of injustice that must be abolished once and for all.

Union soldiers surrounding the Dictator, a 13-inch siege mortar cannon

Too many Americans have fallen prey to narratives that erase the role of slavery in the war’s origins and legacy.

Rick Perry

In seeking to end direct election of senators, the governor is mainstreaming a far-right fantasy.