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Pubic lice

Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant but, once diagnosed, easily treated.

What are pubic lice?

Pubic lice are tiny parasitic insects that live in:

They are yellowy-grey and about 2mm long. They have a crab-like appearance, so are often known as 'crabs'.

The eggs are called 'nits' and appear as brownish dots fixed to coarse body hair. Pubic lice don't live on the hair on your head and are different from head lice.

Causes and risk factors

They're easily passed from one person to another through close body contact or sexual contact. Both men and women can catch them and pass them on.

Pubic lice can live for up to 24 hours off the body, but because they depend on human blood for survival, they'll rarely leave the body unless there's close body contact with another person.

They move by crawling from hair to hair - they cannot jump or fly. Pubic lice can be spread by sharing clothing, bedding or towels.


Some people have no symptoms, or may not notice the lice or eggs, so you may not know whether you or a partner are affected. It can take several weeks after coming into contact with them, for any symptoms appear.

You might notice:

Sometimes you might notice the lice move, but they're tiny and keep still in the light.

Treatment and recovery

They won't go away without treatment, so get checked if you think you've been in contact. In most cases you can tell if you have them by looking closely. Testing is free on the NHS - you can go to your GP, a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic, sexual health clinic, or ask a pharmacist.

Treatment is simple and involves using a special cream, lotion or shampoo, which can be bought from a pharmacy. Your doctor, nurse or pharmacist will advise.

Lotions tend to be more effective than shampoos, and sometimes the treatment has to be repeated after three to seven days.

All bedding, clothing and towels need to be machine washed on a hot cycle.

Tell the doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you might be pregnant, are pregnant or are breastfeeding, as this will affect the type of treatment you're given. Everyone in your household should be treated at the same time, as well as any sexual partners.

Advice and support

Go to your general practice, a GUM clinic, a sexual health clinic or talk to a pharmacist.

You can call fpa's helpline on 0845 122 8690. or the NHS Sexual Health Helpline on 0800 567 123.

See also

Dr Gill Jenkins last medically reviewed this article in August 2009.

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