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English Grammar - How to learn tenses - ALL tenses!!
How to Write an Effective Essay: The Introduction
How NOT to Learn English, part 2
English Grammar - Adverb Suffixes: -ly, -wards, -wise
How do modals work?
English Idioms - HAIR
How to use NO & NOT in English
English Grammar - SOME & ANY
How NOT to Learn English
Speaking English - Talking about Directions
English Idioms - BOOT
English Vocabulary - Winter Clothing
English Grammar - How to ask questions
2 Quick Ways to Improve your English
English Vocabulary & Idioms - NOISE
Learn English - Talking about crime
How to improve your English conversation skills
Modals in English - MUST
How to Summarize
Idioms in English - FOOT
6 English idioms with the word 'mouth'
Learn English - How to Listen and Understand
English Grammar - All about phrasal verbs!
Confused Words in English - By, Bye, Buy, Bi
Speaking English - Expressions involving food
Speaking English - How to talk about the weather
Numbers in English Writing
Understand English with action suffixes
Phrasal Verbs - 'shut'
English Grammar - Present Perfect Simple & Continuous
How to Write an Effective Essay
Idioms & Phrasal Verbs - "on"
English Grammar - Modals of Advisability
English Grammar - Past Simple & Present Perfect
English Vocabulary - Love, Dating, and Relationships
Idioms in English - "Money"
English Grammar - PASSIVE
Phrases and Clauses - What's the Difference?
Phrasal Verbs - "turn"
Idioms in English - "Hand"
English Vocabulary - Roots - "port"
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Sep 26, 2008
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1 week ago
If you TRY, you can do anything!

It's always been my belief that you cannot put information in other people's heads. If you find a way to show them something, they can use their own intelligence to learn. This is my approach to teaching, trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning.

I've spent the last 12 years teaching in various capacities. I've taught martial arts to kids and developed a curriculum that was geared specifically to enhance their development.

I spent several years working with children suffering from autism and Asperger's -- trying to help them learn to deal with the world around them and to learn from their environment. Finally, it was while helping a child that I was asked to work at the Toronto School Board. While I was there, I helped out with kids who were learning English, and my love of teaching ESL began.
About Me:
I hope you find the videos fun, and valuable to helping you on your journey of English learning. Thanks for the support, and what are you waiting for -- subscribe already!!!

Teachers or other English schools who are interested in using these lessons, please go ahead and use them. That's what they're here for!

If you want to learn more about English grammar, vocabulary, and idioms, or if you have any other English questions or suggestions, feel free to go to the engVid forum and leave a message.
ESL teacher
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Channel Comments (306)
tayagorgeous (4 days ago)
great videos very useful..
and you have cute personality
thank you <3
anujith9886942707 (1 week ago)
Mr.James, you are simply the best teacher...
jessyzee (1 week ago)
Thanks Mr. James!  Now I'll have an awesome essay!
maelysilva (1 week ago)
You are one of the best English teachers I have ever seen . Thank you very much !!!!
Jennifer25gu (1 week ago)
Thanks for this lesson, you make me laugh a lot, very funny class hahaha
Jennifer25gu (1 week ago)
Thanks for this lesson, you make me laugh a lot, very funny class hahaha
hacamoi (2 weeks ago)
great videos, thanks!
EnglischLernen (2 weeks ago)
ShereenFlynn (2 weeks ago)
Thanks teacher you are helped me so much !
OMG!!!!! You're from Toronto,Canada !!! *Surprise*
so teached Justin Bieber before?
psychogundamjavelin (2 weeks ago)
Do you have any lessons related to: 2 words that are group together and divided by a colon then you will match it with the other nearest groups of words that are conjoined by a colon as well?, thanks... :P

-probably more on dictionary, give us some techniques...
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