The Young Foundation - a centre for social innovation

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Local Government Innovation

Bemerton Heath

Can services be re-designed to improve wellbeing and resilience in a local community? Wiltshire Council commissioned the Young Foundation to work on a new project in Bemerton Heath, a housing estate to the west of Salisbury. During Summer 2010 the Young Foundation, alongside other service providers, captured information on the needs of the local community. The project focused on how services could be better designed to meet the needs of the community, particularly the most vulnerable members of the community.

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# 12 User-centred research

#12 User-centred research and analysisWhat is it?User centred research is an excellent way of building a more holistic picture of the needs and experiences of service users. How can I use it?1.    Ethnography

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# 11 Ideas Bank

# 11 Ideas BankWhat is it? An Idea Banks is a space – either physical or virtual – where people can put forward ideas which are then advanced by decision makers. How could I use it? 1.    Idea Banks

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# 9 Creative ideas generation

# 9 Creative ideas generationWhat is it? Creative ideas generation involves generating an environment at meetings that is conducive to stimulating innovative ideas. How could I use it? 1.    Open Space

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