
Section 6: Fairness, Contributors and Consent

Mandatory Referrals

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  1. Referrals to Director Editorial Policy and Standards
  2. Referrals to Editorial Policy
  3. Other Referrals

(Mandatory Referrals are part of the BBC's editorial management system. While they will not, in themselves, meet the Principles in the Editorial Guidelines, they are an essential part of the process to ensure compliance and must be observed.)

Referrals to Director Editorial Policy and Standards


Any proposal to broadcast a serious allegation resulting from our own journalism without giving those concerned an opportunity to reply must be referred to a senior editorial figure or, for independents, to the commissioning editor.  Referral must also be made to Director Editorial Policy and Standards.

(See 6.4.27)


The portrayal of a real person in a significant way in a drama against the wishes of the individual portrayed or their surviving near relatives must be referred to Director Editorial Policy and Standards.

(See 6.4.29)

Referrals to Editorial Policy


Any proposal to deceive a contributor to news or factual output must be referred to a senior editorial figure or, for independents, to the commissioning editor.  Editorial Policy or, in the most serious cases, Director Editorial Policy and Standards, must also be consulted.

(See 6.4.17)


Any proposal to create a website which appears to have no connection with the BBC must be referred to a senior editorial figure and Editorial Policy.

(See 6.4.21)

Other Referrals


Any proposal to deceive a contributor for comedy and entertainment purposes, whether or not they are in the public eye, must be referred to a senior editorial figure, or for independents to the commissioning editor, who may consult Editorial Policy.

(See 6.4.20)


Any proposal to use a tourist visa to avoid visa restrictions when working for the BBC in that country, or any other proposal to enter a country illegally, must be referred to a senior editorial figure, or for independents to the commissioning editor, who may consult Director Editorial Policy and Standards.

(See 6.4.23)


Any access, filming or recording agreement must be referred to a senior editorial figure, or for independents to the commissioning editor, who may also consult Editorial Policy particularly when the proposed wording compromises the BBC's editorial independence or has the potential to cede editorial control to a contributor or contributing organisation.

(See 6.4.15)


Any request from output areas outside BBC News for interviews with, or exclusive appearances by, members of the Royal Family must be discussed with the BBC's Royal Liaison Officer.

(See 6.4.15)


Anyone actively intervening to steer the course of an online discussion for a BBC purpose, without revealing their link to the BBC, must be acting in the public interest and must refer to a senior editorial figure or, for independents to the commissioning editor.  In the most serious cases, referral must also be made to Director Editorial Policy and Standards.

(See 6.4.22)


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