BBC BLOGS - Jake Humphrey

Reflections on Japan and Korea

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Jake Humphrey | 12:18 UK time, Monday, 17 October 2011

Greetings from Seoul. It's 0800 on Monday and I'm sitting in bed with a coffee, contemplating when to prize myself out of a comfy bed and into the shower.

We are now playing the waiting game and twiddling our thumbs until we can clamber aboard the plane home. A further 12 hours and an epic fortnight in Japan and South Korea is over.

There are many wonderful pleasures attached to this job, and arriving home in the UK is certainly one of them.

After two weeks of emotional, fraught, pressurised and dramatic television - the kind I think only live sport can deliver - walking in through the front door always feels strange, and it takes a couple of days to adjust emotionally as the adrenalin melts away.

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A day in the life of Jake Humphrey

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Jake Humphrey | 17:11 UK time, Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Remarkably I managed to get through the past week in Singapore while tricking my body that I was still in Europe.

It may seem strange that I was eating muesli at two in the afternoon, feeling ready for lunch at eight in the evening and finishing the day by sharing some grub with Martin Brundle at three in the morning but it felt oddly routine.

For a variety of reasons this has quickly become my favourite race of the season. I think it is largely because the drivers, press officers, production team and everyone else are a little wired - slightly giddy because of the time difference. That creates an atmosphere totally unique to the Singapore GP.

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Saying goodbye to Europe

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Jake Humphrey | 11:06 UK time, Friday, 16 September 2011

Welcome to this week's blog, the final blog from a European race for 2011, which feels very strange indeed.

I can scarcely believe I'm writing that; where is my life disappearing to?

Firstly, let me apologise for the lack of a blog after the Belgian Grand Prix.

The only holiday I've managed to grab this season was the week after Spa and I would have been in serious trouble with Harriet, my wife, if I'd spent the first of our five days away writing a blog.

Anyway, back to last weekend, and the end of my love affair with a truck for another season. OK, you're probably thinking a love affair with a lorry is rather strange, but it's more than that, it's our European home.

You see, for the grands prix that are referred to as 'fly-away' - the long-haul races outside Europe, that is - the circuits provide the hospitality suites for the teams and the production offices for the television stations.

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