Comments on: Sheriff: Missing Ohio monkey believed eaten

All escaped exotic animals from Ohio private farm accounted for; Final death toll nearly 50

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by amdnrb22 October 20, 2011 10:18 AM EDT
What happened to the giraffe(s)?
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by billyc555 October 20, 2011 12:13 PM EDT
Yeah, that's what i was wondering.
by KJeroH October 20, 2011 10:14 AM EDT
The blame begins with Thompson. He had to have enough sense to know that throwing the cages open would lead to the animals being killed. Obviously there were viable alternatives to shoot-to-kill. The animals weren't likely to roam too far. However, a sheriff's department simply is not set up for sophisticated operations required for something like this. More effort should have been made to capture, but under base systems, the sheriff did what he had to do.
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by IMP578 October 20, 2011 10:09 AM EDT
I have many thoughts on this. First of all why was an obviously dangerous and mentally ill man allowed to have all these animals? Ohio obviously has no animal protection laws. Also, looking at my Sheriff's Department - look at the people who take this job, low pay, not the brightest and most of them power crazy and mentally challenged. I bet they were out there having a good ol' time shooting these "beasts". Heck, a free canned hunt. Why didn't they do something about that place before this tragedy. I hope they all rot in hell and never have another good day in their lives. As for Ohio, and this rotten town, I hope you will all pay for this. Why weren't people told to stay indoors until the animals could be captured. Like I said before, they seized the moment for a safari. Ohio rednecks. My next concern is - where are all the animal protection groups like Defenders and WWF? I have not heard peep from them. Oh, I forgot, they are too busy this time of year sending out materials and bugging people for money. Shame on you! This incident shows again how humanity as a whole has deteriorated. May be mother nature will decide before too long that a 7 Billion pest can no longer be tolerated on this planet.
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by archda October 20, 2011 10:22 AM EDT
imp578, you are an idiot, which i think is worse than an Ohio redneck. What would you want in your hood? Tigers running around eating your kids? Also this "mentally ill" man fought his ass off for this country in Nam, know the facts before you show your ignorance.
by DenverBroncofan October 20, 2011 9:49 AM EDT
It's people like Bojax39 that are a constant reminder basements do exist and house the ignorant
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by Bojax39 October 20, 2011 9:52 AM EDT
And Denver reminds us that idiots are everywhere, and forever busy. :-)
by Bojax39 October 20, 2011 8:56 AM EDT
"Sheriff: Missing Ohio monkey believed eaten"

Sheriff, many Americans are already angry with you and your moronic staff for the reprehensible way you handled this situation. Suggest you shut your mouth and quit reminding us that you dimwitted cretins even exist.
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by TellitTrue October 20, 2011 9:14 AM EDT
I don't think the monkey was eaten. Judging by comments like yours, I'm pretty sure it found a computer somewhere and is posting on this board.
by retm-w October 20, 2011 9:16 AM EDT
The only dimwitted crein is you, the man did his job.
by jamfree October 20, 2011 9:24 AM EDT
lol,, you would be the same idiot complaining the sheriffs didnt do their job if a child was killed by one of them. They did what they had to do. Its called commom sense,,try some.
by jamfree October 20, 2011 9:27 AM EDT
bojax prb time you go wash some dishes or cook some breakfast and let the men do their jobs
by Bojax39 October 20, 2011 9:36 AM EDT
by TellitTrue: "I don't think the monkey was eaten. Judging by comments like yours, I'm pretty sure it found a computer somewhere and is posting on this board."

Sparkling comeback there, Hoss. I wasn't aware computers were allowed in schools for the retarded. :-)
by Bojax39 October 20, 2011 9:38 AM EDT
Look out folks, seems a bunch of Ohio law enforcement officers found my comment! :-)
by archda October 20, 2011 10:17 AM EDT
Hey idiot, what did you want them to do? Let the tigers run loose and eat your kids???? Are you kidding me? Keep your mouth shut until you have the facts.
by endpcnow October 20, 2011 10:55 AM EDT
Typical human behavior: Stupidity got them into this mess and stupidity got them out of the mess.
by HottMunkyLuv October 20, 2011 8:37 AM EDT
1. If this idiot had gotten drunk and drove around town running over people or randomly shooting people would there be an outcry to ban guns, booze and cars? How often does something like this happen? Not enough to justify a blanket ban on exotic animals.... Stupid, crazy, desperate people are always going to find some way to cause problems
2. This is big news because of the type of animals involved but what if it had been 56 vicious Rottweilers that the guy turned loose? Would we then ban dogs? which incidentally injure and kill way more people per year than "exotic" animals..... at least a lot of these animals probably had a good deal of fear for people and were probably so stressed, scared and disoriented at being out of their cages that most posed little threat to people and could be dealt with quickly.
4. The tigers killed were most likely not RARE Bengal tigers but generic tigers aka "mutts", mixtures of different races, no traceable lineage, basically considered of no value to legitimate breeding or conservation programs, like the difference betwwen a purebred Siamese cat vs. your average alley cat.....
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by EllieMd October 20, 2011 6:48 PM EDT
1. Drunk driving happens ALL the time, which is why there are REGULATIONS like blood alcohol content to determine the level of negligence, which is based on the research that analyzes the level of risk to the public. Your comparison is flawed.
2. Exotic animals are not domesticated animals. They are used to entirely different environment and mode of survival. Bringing Rottweilers into the discussion only shows your level ignorance when it comes to breed discrimination as well.
3. You skipped three. Bravo, genius.
4. So? Even if you are right, potential for extinction isn't the only reason to have protections for these animals. It is no less cruel to keep a dog in a crate its whole life than it is to keep a Tiger (of any lineage) in captivity when it was meant to roam the forests of another continent and climate. And it is no less tragic when one of them is shot in cold blood, than if your pet were.
by Skruffy1 October 20, 2011 8:00 AM EDT
We kept reading that among the animals were one or more giraffes and camels, but no giraffe or camel is mentioned among those killed or captured. Giraffes and camels would be pretty unlikely to be threatening. Anyone know what happened to them?
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by giftedwon October 20, 2011 8:42 AM EDT
There is an animal reserve in zanesville called the wilds.. They have camels and giraffes and other big animals there. I think people might have been confused. <A href=""> Giftedwon</a>
by coercfet October 20, 2011 7:52 AM EDT
I think they should do that to all threats to well being in this country...are you guys sick in the head?? Where's the monkey?? Was he on the invoice? Is that why they think there was a monkey? Looks like the owner took his own like to redeem himself for what he did. Why don't they call in the appropriate authorities to handle situations like escaped animals?
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by Laurenelise8 October 20, 2011 7:18 AM EDT
I don't blame the police for this. They needed to protect the people, and they didn't have time to explore alternatives with lions and tigers on the loose and possibly escaping. It is the fault of the owner, who let them out, and the fault of the state of Ohio for allowing someone to keep 18 tigers and a whole menagerie. It is shameful, and those laws should be revised asap.
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by GOPeconomicterror October 20, 2011 6:49 AM EDT
Sarah Palin shot the monkey from a helicopter.
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by Progress4USA October 20, 2011 8:39 AM EDT
It was all paid for by Sarah PAC...what's the problem?????
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