October 18, 2011 10:53 PM

Romney: It's "dangerous" to choose president based on religion

Lucy Madison
Campaign 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Tuesday he thought it was "dangerous" to select a president based on the church or synagogue he or she belonged to - and that doing so would be an "enormous departure from the principles of our Constitution."

Speaking in Las Vegas at CNN's Republican presidential debate, the former Massachusetts governor said he wasn't "going to lose sleep over" over a Texas pastor's having called his Mormon faith a "cult." But he argued that the implications of the statement itself were troubling.

The pastor, Robert Jeffress, made the comment after delivering introductory remarks endorsing Perry at the Values Voter Summit earlier this month. The Texas governor has rejected the characterization of Mormonism, but has refused to disavow the pastor.

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"You know, with regards to the disparaging comments about my faith, I've heard worse, so I'm not going to lose sleep over that," Romney said.

Romney noted that "What I actually found was most troubling" about the ordeal was that the reverend said, during his introduction for Perry, that "in choosing our nominee, we should inspect his religion."

"That idea that we should choose people based upon their religion for public office is what I find to be most troubling, because the founders of this country went to great length to make sure -- and even put it in the Constitution -- that we would not choose people who represent us in government based upon their religion, that this would be a nation that recognized and respected other faiths, where there's a plurality of faiths, where there was tolerance for other people and faiths," Romney said. "That's bedrock principle."

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Romney criticized Perry for responding enthusiastically to the introduction, rather than saying, "Reverend Jeffress, you got that wrong. We should select people not based upon their faith."

"The concept that we select people based on the church or the synagogue they go to, I think, is a very dangerous - and an enormous departure from the principles of our Constitution."

When it was suggested that Perry then apologize to Romney, Perry again distanced himself from the pastor's remarks, although not with the pastor himself.

"I said I did not agree with the -- Pastor Jeffress's remarks," Perry said. "I don't agree with them. I can't apologize any more than that."

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Newt Gingrich emphasized that while he believes a person's faith matters in the context of a presidential bid, "none of us should rush in judgment of others in the way in which they approach God."

"Well, I think if the question is, does faith matter? Absolutely," he said. "How can you have a country which is founded on truths which begins we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights? How can you have the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which says religion, morality and knowledge being important, education matters. That's the order: religion, morality and knowledge."

But, he added, "I happen to think that none of us should rush in judgment of others in the way in which they approach God. And I think that all of us up here I believe would agree."

  • Lucy Madison

    Lucy Madison is a political reporter for CBSNews.com.

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by CorporateRefugee October 19, 2011 11:09 PM EDT
"Romney: It's "dangerous" to choose president based on religion"

Except when the GOP decides to make Democrats out to be Muslims when they aren't. Then it's OK.
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by mountainstates1 October 20, 2011 2:01 PM EDT
I guess next Romney will be saying it's "dangerous" to choose a president based on sexual orientation". Ha!
by ScottMcInnis October 19, 2011 2:48 PM EDT
The issue really is about guiding philosophy. Faith is usually a deeper principle than a simple philosophy (some people would rather give up their life than denounce their faith) . If someone's guiding philosophy says that african americans should be slaves, the voting people have a right to know that. Religion, faith has a profound effect on the decisions a person makes. Faith is most cases would be the closest advisor to the president. A Humanist would decide differently on some issues compared to a Hindu. I don't believe anyone is saying a religious test should be given ( you have to believe this about God...). But what someone believes or doesn't believe about faith... is important insight into how that person might govern. For example, an atheist might want to know if their president might appeal to an imaginary god to help with foreign policy. OR if a religion prophesies that America is the new Israel, that belief would cause a president to not give that much attention to Israel (causing greater strife in the middle east)......... which is exactly what Mormons believe. OR ...a belief that life starts in the mother's womb ( a belief found in both the Jewish and Christian bible) policies would be made to prevent abortion. What people believe, their faith, effects the decisions they make.

To say that digging in to a presidential candidates religion is dangerous is foolish. It's dangerous not to. We can elect whomever we choose to. But to take a significant tool for determining how a president might respond to important issues is idiotic. Elect an atheist, a Hindu, a Mormon, a Catholic, a Protestant, a Muslim, a witch..... whomever you like.... just know what they believe or choose not to believe.
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by Zann-Zel October 19, 2011 2:30 PM EDT
If we start choosing our leaders based on nothing but their religion - we will end up being a country where the Baptists will fight with the Catholics who will fight with the Mormons who will fight with the Lutherans....and so on!
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by midvale3 October 19, 2011 3:28 PM EDT
Don't we already?
by Zann-Zel October 19, 2011 5:41 PM EDT
No right now we just argue - well mostly.
by sweetcakesmaria October 19, 2011 2:02 PM EDT
Bush claimed that he prayed for guidance before he made the decision to go to war with Iraq and look at what that message from god got us.
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by silasdoright October 19, 2011 1:02 PM EDT
Mr Perry needs to stop talking and go back to Texas.
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by Zann-Zel October 19, 2011 2:25 PM EDT
We don't want him back!
by hsinco-2009 October 19, 2011 4:41 PM EDT
Too bad, he's yours!!!
by Sloughfoot October 19, 2011 11:28 AM EDT
A person make descisions based upon their beleifs, religion or lack there of is a foundation for those beliefs, it is important for the people to know what the beliefs of their elected officials are. If you are comfortable with your beliefs then you should not fear any who challenge those beliefs.
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by Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 October 19, 2011 11:01 AM EDT
by enriquieGonzales October 19, 2011 8:16 AM EDT
I would take the Devil Himself over Obama.

Rick's Santorum, 2012!
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by hsinco-2009 October 19, 2011 4:42 PM EDT
Sure , you like frothy combo of lube and.........
by Lawyers-Guns-n-Money06 October 19, 2011 10:59 AM EDT
by Progress4USA October 19, 2011 10:08 AM EDT
But it would be impressive if one of them could part that water...

One candidate would be happy to GET water.

Methinks the Cure's "Prayers for Rain" might be a good theme song for him.
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by starving1968-3 October 19, 2011 10:08 AM EDT
Voting based on religion IS a VERY DANGEROUS proposition indeed.

Unfortunately for you Mitt, did you happen to catch all of the people in the audience CHEERING when Bachmann said that we should keep shoveling BILLIONS OF DOLLARS each year to Israel?

They didn't cheer because "foreign aid" is the right thing to do. They did it because they're brainwashed religious zealots. THAT is what you can expect, if you hope to win the GOP nomination. Good luck fighting that uphill battle.
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by In-God-We-Trust October 19, 2011 1:22 PM EDT
You are wrong. These people are intelligent God believing American citizens. You would be well served to do as they do. The God of all will pass judgement on you some day to determine your eternal resting place (heaven or hell).
by hsinco-2009 October 19, 2011 4:43 PM EDT
Helll is your belief. Not mine.
by Jhihmoac October 19, 2011 9:10 AM EDT
Agreed...Somehow, "God has shown me the path to the WH!" just doesn't hold any water...
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by Progress4USA October 19, 2011 10:08 AM EDT
But it would be impressive if one of them could part that water...
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