October 14, 2011 7:04 PM

Immigrants in Ala. fear families being torn apart

Mark Strassmann

Liz Betancourt, 19, with her daughter, Idelfy, is scared to leave her house in Florence, Alabama. An illegal immigrant whose family came from Mexico to the U.S. when she was an infant, Betancourt lives in a state that recently instituted a tough new immigration law. (CBS News)

(CBS News) 

Alabama has put itself on the front lines of the battle against illegal immigration with a tough new law. But that law is being challenged as unconstitutional. On Friday, a panel of federal judges in Atlanta weighed in on the most controversial parts of the law, overturning -- at least for now -- two major provisions.

The law requires schools to check the immigration status of students, which the judges have suspended. It also requires legal immigrants to carry papers proving their legal status; the judges suspended that too. But the court let stand a provision that allows the police to detain immigrants they suspect are illegal.

The law took effect six weeks ago and had swift and dramatic effects in Alabama. CBS News correspondent Mark Strassman reports on what this all means.

Liz Betancourt is scared to leave the house in Florence, Alabama.

"I am illegal," she said. "I am not from here."

Her family moved from Mexico to the U.S. when Liz was an infant. She's now 19, but has never applied for citizenship or a green card.

Under the state's new law, if she's picked up by police, she could be deported. And during that process, which can take months, there's no legal guarantee her daughter Idelfy -- born in Alabama and a U.S. citizen -- would stay with her.

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Court to Ala.: Don't check students' immigration
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But the widespread perception among illegal immigrants is deportation would split families apart -- although deported parents would be allowed to take their children with them.

"We just came here to work," said Betancourt. "Our parents ... they just come here to give their children a good education."

Even a routine trip to the store has many illegal immigrants here worried they'll end up arrested. And in case they're deported, some parents are signing papers, turning over legal care of their kids to someone else.

If Betancourt's deported, her aunt, a U.S. citizen, would care for Idelfy so the baby could stay here.

Fear of deportation is spreading through families living here illegally. In Albertville, Alabama's public schools, 81 of 1,100 Hispanic students have dropped out in the last two weeks.

Alabama employers like farmer Keith Smith are also feeling the effects. Smith needs 20 workers to harvest his sweet potatoes. Most mornings, he's lucky now if only nine show up.

"They're putting me out of business, this law," said Smith, "And if things don't change, if they don't come up with something better, people like me -- we're a has-been."

On the contrary, Scott Beason, the Republican state senator who sponsored the state's new law, argued: "They're displacing Alabama workers. And our goal is to have many Alabamians as possible working."

He points to Alabama's unemployment rate -- just under 10 percent -- and the estimated $290 million Alabama spends educating and caring for illegal immigrants.

"Has the impact been what you expected?" Strassman asked.

"I think so," answered Beason. "All the focus is on the illegal alien and the challenge they may have for being here illegally. People always forget the person who were unable to start a business or who lost their business because the competitor down the road hired an illegal alien."

The Friday decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals here in Atlanta is only temporary. Its final decision could be months away. And Liz Betancourt -- the woman interviewed in our story -- was fired by her cleaning company right after she spoke with CBS News.

CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley asked Strassman what happens next in the court fight.

"Friday's decision conflicts with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' decision about a similar provision in Arizona's law -- the provision that focuses on whether a local or state police agency can check the immigration status of someone simply because they're suspected of a crime. Because those decisions conflict, legal scholars now say it is much more likely this issue will reach the U.S. Supreme Court."

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by diamruby October 18, 2011 11:20 PM EDT
Thank you for enforcing the laws of the USA that American citizens have voted for & our government is ignoring. Illegals are a danger to all in the USA, they are all criminals. They are lazy, welfare breeders, using the legal USA citizens tax dollars to live on. They have destroyed their own countries & now want to destroy ous also.
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by PourpaixPourpaix October 18, 2011 4:16 PM EDT
Glad to see action is being taken. Sorry that some folks have to live in fear of being discovered, but what else should someone who is doing something wrong expect? It doesn't matter to me if a few are permitted amnesty. Such as a child who was forced through the fence by parents, provided those who are granted amnesty did not choose to smuggle themselves in and have proven themselves to be excellent citizenship prospects while they were here. But if it breaks up some families because family members did something against our laws, well, they need to cope with the consequences.

When my great-grandparents immigrated, there was no expectation that they would ever see their families again. That's the deal with immigration, and do you want this opportunity or not? While it was easier to immigrate extended families in those days, the US would not hesitate to protect its citizens if an immigrant presented a danger to other citizens. Too bad, part of the risk. Say goodbye to those who broke the our law, and do it quickly.
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by Goofer-Buddy October 17, 2011 11:55 AM EDT
What happens when an Illegal Mexican runs you over in the street? He breaks your back and legs and leaves you with 20 years of pain and a million dollars in medical bills. He destroys your career and your life. He has no driver's license, no insurance, and has injured other innocent Americans time after time.... He was invited to your sanctuary city, given food, shelter, medical, schooling, and college. He has no assets, and a minimum wage job. He is protected by law, and gets another car without a license or insurance and starts the whole process over.....

How can we invite these people to our country without any effort to manage the process? We have no idea who these people are, where they come from, or what they have done in the past. Our American Government does not care! Our Federal an local governments pretend not to be responsible. So what if some of these people are criminals and gangsters, and murderers, and rapist, and pedophiles; they are all welcome equally.... They are just as welcome as people good people fleeing an abusive government and looking for opportunity. Why can't we sort out the good from the bad? We don't even try....The American Government has washed its hands of responsibility for protecting its border and its citizens. No need to sort out the good from the bad, they are all welcome; it is much easier that way. No measuring needed of border crossings, no need to plan expenses to schools, cities, hospitals, etc etc etc etc.

We need to manage who comes in, we need to know who they are, we need to budget for their needs, and we need to have our Federal Government take responsibly for their actions. Ignoring the problem victimizes ordinary random Americans who should not have to pay the penalty for our Federal indifference. Sanctuary Cities who invite these people in should be held accountable for the actions of their guests, not place the burden on a citizen who was harmed by someone who has no regards for law and responsibility.
It is time to start holding our indifferent governments at all levels responsible for recklessly inviting criminals into our neighborhoods. When that happens, and our governments lose some large lawsuits, the reckless haphazard inviting of people into our country and neighborhoods will stop, and management will start.
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by aliba1 October 17, 2011 9:13 AM EDT
"We just came here to work," said Betancourt. "Our parents ... they just come here to give their children a good education."
No, they came here so WE could "give" their children a good education. There's no reason their kids couldn't get good educations in their own countries IF their parents put half the effort into getting their own countries to provide such services that they exert in coming here illegally.
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by I_remember_when October 15, 2011 6:49 PM EDT
I wonder if illegal workers might be behind the many famous food contaminations we've had in the last few years. Many low-wage illegal workers work in the farming/food industries. They live in poor areas, have unhygenic practices, and some have or got diseases that they themselves don't know about (their bodies remain as virus carriers, even if they've been treated). And the low rate of healthcare practices among illegals, there's probably a good number who are contagious at a given time.

So when they work in the fields and processing plants, they inevitably pass on a few virus to our foods (lettuce, fruits, beef/chicken, peanuts, etc.). The safety "screening" processes our government has setup to disinfect/inspect our food supply can't catch it all -- maybe because there are too many infected workers.

So every few months we get to enjoy a new contaminated food recall - compliments of cheap illegal labor.

Here's my suggestion to fix this: We can give a subsidy to farmers for their unfortunate "illegal-workers", to encourage them to buy healthcare and checkups for their illegals (at government expense - heaven forbid, we don't want the farmers to pay more for healthy workers). This will definitely reduce the prevalence of food recalls (guaranteed if Congress approves it - since Congress-approved laws are vetted so well). This will definitely save the government soooo much money 'cus they won't have to keep checking on our food supply - the farmers will make sure it's safe. And on top of it, think of the money our food companies will save, not having to do recalls. I know, it's brilliant!

Though it is ironic in a way - free healthcare for illegals, and none for us legals. Oh well, that's business for ya! We all benefit in the end - cheaper safer food.

Tax the poor, feed the rich,
Who voted for Newt Gingrich!!!
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by echofive0706 October 15, 2011 6:11 PM EDT
The law in Alabama is working and the benefits of it are already being felt by American citizens. This morning I went to the Cracker Barrel in Athens, Alabama and for the first time in years I did not see hispanics busing tables. In their place I saw young Americans that appeared to be happy to have a job. Thank you Alabama law makers for taking action to protect American jobs and enforce the laws of our nation that are already on the books.
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by Pattypye October 15, 2011 6:10 PM EDT
The DOJ has set up a hotline for the illegals to use to whine about enforcment of HB56 in Alabama. Please help us keep the voice mail and email boxes filled with complaints from our side.
1 855 353-1010
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by JAMESC2002 October 15, 2011 3:57 PM EDT
Every Illegal mexican has the right to be deported.
Every Illegal mexican has the right to pay for this process.
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by nottellin1 October 15, 2011 3:47 PM EDT
Can't any of you see that it is already too late. The US is already turning into Mexico. We have high long term unemployment, a hideously corrupt government, useless public schools, trash everywhere and exploding birthrates. Non-citizens vote in many states, a good portion of our elected officials are loyal to La Raza, and at lower levels, many are probably illegal aliens themselves. Not to mention that so many of our large American corps are partnered with La Raza. We are so complacent and PC, we allowed our country to be invaded and taken from us and we didn't even bother to defend our previous way of life. All our leaders, political and corporate, only care about advancing themselves. Not only did we allow this, we pratically invited it. We suck. Sictk a fork in her, America is done.
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by I_remember_when October 15, 2011 2:22 PM EDT
We have a VERY BIG PROBLEM in the US, and illegal immigration is one of its roots. It's a root that spreads throughout our society, causing problems we hardly imagine. Let me start with a recent "event" I witnessed, that shows the extent:

At a local Subway I saw a man order his sub. He ordered it in spanish, to a hispanic woman (makeup, earrings, etc - you've seen the type) Spanish-speaking employee. I don't know her name so I'll call her "Juanita". I don't mind people using their own language, but they were talking in Spanish to hide what they did.

The woman employee took two tubs of roast beef and used it to make a huge sub for the man (customer). At the checkout register the man pulls out a "food stamp" card, and talks to the hispanic cashier in Spanish. I noticed he paid $0.54 for his mega-sub - almost free. The register showed "food stamp+". The customer didn't look needy or like he should be on food stamps, he was wearing designer sunglasses, well dressed. Maybe he only spoke spanish, so this "disability" was how he got on the food stamp program. Let's call him "Jose" - he reminds me of a "Jose" I know.

I was aghast that "Jose" got a hefty double sandwich with tons of toppings, for almost free. When I got to the spanish-speaking cashier, I asked who the store manager is, and he pointed to the spanish-talking lady Juanita who made the giant sandwich. I asked if Juanita is the owner, and he said no.

So who paid for Jose's sandwich? And what's the problem here (and the problem in America today)?

1) Carlos obviously stole from others - he took advantage of the government's food stamps program to buy non-essential foods. If he was really poor, he would prefer to buy raw foods & make his own sandwich - at much less cost for the same amount of food.

Carlos and Juanita stole from the Subway store owner. I'll guess employee Juanita probably steals more often from her employer, and from others. She stole from the person paying her, so she can buy her big gold earrings!!

2) Many people at Subways and such stores are low-skilled low-wage workers, like Juanita, by nature of the job and industry. I see many immigrants working at these places. I don't want to pick on Subway - they require franchisees to use strict hiring practices and recordkeeping. So probably this woman is here and working legally. But what she's doing -- legally -- is spreading her type of "ethics". She thinks stealing is Ok because it's from a "rich" store owner who doesn't need money, and she gives to her fellow hispanic. That ethic is a BIG PROBLEM in this country, and I see it everywhere. Such people feel that breaking the law is Ok, even for little things.

3) The store owner loses money, his costs go up, and is forced to hire people with low ethics like Juanita. The work environment at that Subway wasn't normal, with Spanish being spoken by many employees. So the owner can't afford to hire responsible Americans, because they won't accept the salary this lady accepted and won't work where English is optional. Any way you look at it, the Subway owner lost out big time.

4) The government loses too, cus Jose steals from the food-stamp program. And he probably does it everywhere, probably has his hands in other government tills - getting free money. Our money is going to waste, helping thieves like Jose. And don't forget our economy is in the tank, no thanks to money lost to thousands (millions?) of Jose's around the country.

5) Jose's shenanigans are hurting honest real people in America, who truly need government help. Maybe there's a senior citizen who can't afford his medicine - because he once owned a Subway that went out of business - and now he doesn't have a job or health insurance. Many legal and illegal Jose's steal from needy Americans and from our economy - because of them our government can't support the truly destitute/needy.


I DARE ANYONE TO JUSTIFY WHY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE GOOD FOR OUR COUNTRY - WE HAVE A VERY GENEROUS LEGAL IMMIGRATION PROGRAM THAT TAKES-IN MANY QUALIFIED GOOD PEOPLE (AND WE'VE DONE THIS FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS). WE LOVE IMMIGRATION - BUT NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. GET THE LAW-BREAKERS OUT (they can take or leave their "legal" children as long as those kids are fully paid-for by legal people - no tax-subsidized education or free anything for the spoils of their crime).

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by jmberry October 15, 2011 10:50 PM EDT
Your story is a good one except for one important item: The Foodstamp Program does not allow people to buy food in restaurants or prepared foods such as at a deli hot counter. In the old days when they used paper foodstamps, they got away with it but modern EBT cards don't allow for it.
Other than that I totally agree with you.
If you did see this take place, call Subway and report this behavior and then call the US Department of Agriculture Fraud Line. Then call ICE and report Juanita. they will be around shortly to pick her up and award her a free trip to Scenic Mexico.
by albrightie98 October 16, 2011 12:37 PM EDT
I don't know about ALabama's EBT policy, but in Washington state EBT is accepted at many fast food type establishment such as Papa Murphys pizza & McDonalds.
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