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  • Multimedia technology refers to how creative industries use a variety of content formats—i.e.

  • You've seen the term "social networking" over and over, but what exactly are social...

  • Multimedia distribution refers to the way creative industries coordinate the distribution of an...

  • With the soaring price of oil, the push towards biofuels, the world's growing population and...

  • The U.S. economy affects businesses and individuals on a daily basis. This topic covers the health...

  • Geopolitics is the study that analyzes geography, history and social science with reference to...

  • Indian stock market covers all news, views, analysis, and blogs on the market in Indiay.

  • Storage of personal data and information offline on various data bases.

  • Foreign exchange, Forex or FX are all used to describe the trading of the world's many currencies.

  • Business School degrees are becoming not only the norm but often the required admission ticket to...

  • The residential real estate market in the U.S. continues to fluctuate amid the financial...

  • Admission to a good business school is very competitive: on average 15% of applicants to top MBA...

  • Gold is a popular investment, with investors buying the precious metal as a hedge or safe haven...

  • Business lawsuits can cause liability insurance carrier to drop coverage. This topic covers...

  • While many entrepreneurs make starting a new company look easy, entrepreneurship is actually quite...

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