New light shed on Gaddafi death

The Libyan commander whose forces captured Col Gaddafi tells the BBC of the ex-leader's last moments and says he tried to keep him alive.

George Osborne and International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde'Progress' at eurozone debt talks

UK Chancellor George Osborne declares "real progress" among Europe's finance ministers to beat the eurozone debt crisis.

President Hugo Chavez talks to the media as he arrives at La Fria airport in Venezuela on 20 October 2011.Doctors deny Chavez dying claim

Doctors treating Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dispute a claim by a colleague that he has only two years to live, saying that he is uninformed.

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  • Libyan defector Moussa KoussaTorture claims

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  • Brighton zombie walkUndead popular

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  • Marine Le Pen Meeting Marine

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  • Looking forward

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  • 10 things

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World Service Podcasts

  • People celebrate at Martyrs Square in Tripoli on 20 OctoberBusiness Daily

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