
Then and Now

Much has happened in the 53 years since ARCS® Foundation was established, but some things never change:

  • 100 percent of contributions to ARCS Foundation scholar awards go directly to fund scholars.
  • Recipient schools are qualified through rigorous eligibility requirements.
  • Schools select scholars on basis of academic achievement without regard for race, creed or gender.
  • Scholars are U.S. citizens and students of high achievement in the basic sciences.
  • ARCS Foundation scholar award funds are raised and distributed locally.
  • ARCS Foundation is an all-women volunteer organization.

The story of ARCS Foundation is the story of five decades of women — energetic and steadfast in their devotion to the mission of the foundation — who have contributed countless hours to the fulfillment of that mission. It is the story of thousands of scholars who have received funding and devoted their college and work lives to the advancement of science in this country.

ARCS Foundation was formed in 1958 in Los Angeles in response to Sputnik and the perceived lack of U.S. supremacy in the technology race. Since then, ARCS Foundation has provided more than 13,650 scholars awards totaling nearly $79 million and has grown to more than 1,600 members in 17 Chapters across the United States.

ARCS Foundation, Inc. is a national organization dedicated to supporting the best and brightest U. S. graduate and undergraduate scholars by providing financial awards in science, engineering and medical research.

Sputnik! The Race Begins

The story of ARCS Foundation begins at a moment when America was startled by a rocket. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet launching of a small satellite into orbit around Earth fascinated and alarmed America. Read More...

ARCS Foundation Is Established

The immediate goal of ARCS Foundation was announced on the Caltech campus on September 18, 1958: “…raise money for scholarships and fellowships [now known as scholar awards] at Caltech…for the support of both undergraduate and graduate students.” Read More...

Chapters Initiate the Charge

The nation’s fascination with the space program and astronauts led to the establishment of the Houston Chapter, then the Washington, D.C., Chapter, followed by Chapters in other states. Read More...

Five Decades of Support

Having passed our 50th anniversary, ARCS Foundation can point to a dynamic history of giving and growing. Read More...

ARCS Foundation Today

ARCS Foundation members are very proud of our history. We are certain that we are making a significant impact on the lives of outstanding scholars who have already become part of the advancement of America’s leadership in science and technology, or are well on their way. Read More...