
Pygmy with the punch of a giant

The burgeoning influence of Qatar in the Arab world arouses admiration, suspicion and puzzlement. But its motives are mainly pragmatic(16)

Steven Pinker

The violent dangers of ideology

We interview Mr Pinker about the roots of genocide, the limits of democracy and the dangers of ideology

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Conservatives in the West

Bully meets Nice Guy

A bitter state Senate race in Arizona has wider ramifications

Difference Engine

Artificial intelligence

Is smart technology now destroying more jobs than it creates?

Fundamental physics

Big bang

Popular physics has enjoyed a new-found regard. Now comes a brave attempt to inject mathematics into an otherwise fashionable subject


Dennis Ritchie and John McCarthy

Machine whisperers

Indian rural welfare

Digging holes

A maverick minister lays into a hallowed programme

London’s sewers

A busted flush

Something is rotten at the heart of London

Editor's note

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The Economist Asks

Should Greece leave the euro?



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