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Content in Google News: Blogs


Google News strives to provide you with access to as many sources of news and perspectives on current events as possible. Many users have asked us to let them know when they're clicking on a blog article in Google News. To satisfy this request, articles published in a blog format appear with a (blog) tag next to the publication name. (We add similar tags to video, press release, satire, and subscription content.)

Blogs typically identify themselves as such, and adhere to standard blog formatting by displaying regular entries in order from newest to oldest. Websites that organize their articles in a more editorial fashion and employ a complex layout are generally not considered blogs. We acknowledge the difficulty in characterizing blogs and the rapidly changing publishing landscape, but we also hope to provide useful ways of helping you select what you want to read. If you find a source in Google News you believe to be mislabeled, please send us the name of that publication, and we'll review it.

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