Reports from the field - an exclusive channel of Pulitzer Center reporting
November 5, 2011 by Reese Erlich
Ordinary Syrians are feeling the impact of the country's political upheaval, declining economy and mounting international sanctions. Reese Erlich shares images that speak to their hardships.
October 31, 2011
by Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Alaa Abdel Fattah, a prominent Egyptian activist, has been charged with inciting violence during a protest earlier this month. His detention sparked anger toward the ruling military council.
October 27, 2011
by Ayman Oghanna
"It doesn't matter how hard you think you are, how professional, when the smell of death hits your nostrils like that, you have to retch." Ayman Oghanna reports from a mortuary in Bani Walid, Libya.
October 27, 2011 / Untold Stories
by William Wheeler
Reporting from Tripoli, Pulitzer Center grantee William Wheeler looks at Libya's attempt to transform itself into a stable, peaceful and democratic country.
October 26, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Habiba Nosheen, Hilke Schellmann
In Pakistan, hundreds of women die at the hands of their own family. A few who are lucky enough to escape these "honor killings" find refuge at secure shelters.
October 26, 2011 / Untold Stories
by David Enders
Pulitzer grantee David Enders shares his thoughts on religious reconciliation at a conference in Baghdad—a scenario that would have been highly unlikely three years ago.
October 24, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Sharif Abdel Kouddous
The media crackdown in Egypt is worsening as military forces raid news organizations and shut down broadcasts.
October 24, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Sushma Subramanian, Deborah Jian Lee
Marriage in China is a status symbol. Men living in the remote village of Gao Po lack economic security, which places them at the "bottom of society" and limits their chances of getting married.
October 21, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Reese Erlich
To escape a government crackdown in 2004, thousands of Syrian Kurds fled across the border to Iraq. Many still live there today—a constant reminder of Syrian repression.
October 21, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Shaheen Buneri
Extremist religious groups are once again strengthening their positions on the the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, threatening the security of local residents.
Jamaica milk producers, 2011.
October 20, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Julia Rendleman
Like many other Jamaican dairy farmers, Oral Rayson is dumping thousands of gallons of milk down the drain because imported powdered milk has become a cheaper alternative for locals.
October 20, 2011 / Untold Stories
by Julia Rendleman
Imported food is cheap in Jamaica, benefiting consumers. But what is the costs for farmers who have lost their income?
On the road reporting in Iraq. Image by David Enders. Iraq, 2011.
October 19, 2011 / Untold Stories
by David Enders
Through poetry, Pulitzer Center grantee David Enders considers the danger he faces as a journalist in Iraq where security resides "only in your head."
