What is accessibility?

And in what ways can a website be 'inaccessible'?

Accessibility is the word used to describe whether a product (for example, a website, mobile site, digital TV interface or application) can be used by people of all abilities and disabilities.

For instance, a website is accessible if all people, including disabled and elderly people, can use it. At the BBC, we aim to ensure that all of our products are informative and entertaining to use as well as being accessible - this is called usability.

On a website, accessibility depends on how a person's disability affects the way they perceive information on a page and how they navigate within and between pages. Elements that affect accessibility include:

At BBC Online, our accessibility policy takes into account these factors wherever possible. We ensure best practice for making web pages through our accessibility standards and guidelines.

What do you think?

We've recently updated My web my way with new content as well as a new design, and we'd like to have your feedback on it.

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