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  • We've been working on improving Facebook a lot lately. Want to learn about all the changes and give us feedback? Check out the "What's New?" page in our Help Center.
    Facebook Help Center
    ‎- What's New on Facebook?We're always working on building new features and improving existing ones. Here's where you can learn about all the changes and give us your feedback. We're listening. - Timeline Timeline, a new kind of profile, will be available in the upcomin...
  • This week’s security tip is about how to deal with spam. Facebook teams all over the world work diligently to not only remove spam when it is detected, but also put systems in place to make sure you never even encounter it. Just as you would report harassing or inappropriate content, be sure to report spam as well using the report links on the site. Take a look at the infographic below to learn more about how we combat spam.
    In this infographic you can find out more about our security infrastructure and an overview of the tools available to all our users to increase their level of account security. by facebook