this post was submitted on 01 Dec 2011
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On the end of the world as we know it. Crashes, disasters, wars and famines. Diminishing resources, decadent culture. The decline of civilizations, empires & societies. But not necessarily The Apocalypse.

How will we survive? Any ideas?

Discussing peak oil, energy, sustainability, climate change, food, farming, gardening, water, shelter, health, medicine, security, infrastructure, recycling, transportation, scavenging, black markets, bartering.

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all 16 comments

[–]auchris 7 points8 points ago

Three sectors of transnational capital in particular stand out as the most aggressive and prone to seek neo-fascist political arrangements to force forward accumulation as this crisis continues: speculative financial capital, the military-industrial-security complex, and the extractive and energy sector. Capital accumulation in the military-industrial-security complex depends on endless conflicts and war, including the so-called wars on terrorism and on drugs, as well as on the militarisation of social control. Transnational finance capital depends on taking control of state finances and imposing debt and austerity on the masses, which in turn can only be achieved through escalating repression. And extractive industries depend on new rounds of violent dispossession and environmental degradation around the world.

This seems more likely to me in the States than collapse. We just saw that law about authorizing the military detention of American citizens on American soil yesterday.

[–]epluribusuno 2 points3 points ago

Collapse and invisible martial law are both possibilities. My bet is on the latter.

[–]fiercelyfriendly 1 point2 points ago

That and stiching up the Internet at the same time.

[–]yoda17 0 points1 point ago

To be replaced by a new ruling class. That or mob rule.

[–]shamanicspacebum 0 points1 point ago

Not necessarily. It doesn't have to go that way.

[–]CharAznable 2 points3 points ago

Its certainly not going to die quietly, thats for damn sure. Thiae in power like their power, and i see tjem doing anything it takes to hold on to it.

[–]TechnoShaman 3 points4 points ago

Where's Locke when we need him?

[–]gamermum 2 points3 points ago

Still sulking in the corner because he didn't get into battle school.

[–]funnels 1 point2 points ago

Working for a box factory.

[–]woodrail 2 points3 points ago

fta :

"Capital accumulation in the military-industrial-security complex depends on endless conflicts and war, including the so-called wars on terrorism and on drugs, as well as on the militarisation of social control. Transnational finance capital depends on taking control of state finances and imposing debt and austerity on the masses, which in turn can only be achieved through escalating repression. And extractive industries depend on new rounds of violent dispossession and environmental degradation around the world."

wow. That's basically War, Famine and Pestilence.

[–]VerbalJungleGym 0 points1 point ago

Damn. Thanks for connecting the dots on that. Want to play hangman now?

[–]fiercelyfriendly 0 points1 point ago

An article that well summed up my understanding of what is going on.

[–]FacTheory -1 points0 points ago

Great info but the blatant grammar mistake in the FIRST sentence was a turn-off. Did they not proofread it even once?

[–]shamanicspacebum 0 points1 point ago

Well it does appear that the world is run by a globalist aristocracy. And so global rebellion is the best of possible answers.

[–]JeanNaRH -2 points-1 points ago

In 2012, we'll see the first occurrences of the world burning; if nothing's done, it'll carry on.

[–]evilpoptart -2 points-1 points ago

can i sing hallelujah now? can i? CAN I?! I am so excited.