Published and Broadcast

Reports by Pulitzer Center journalists for print, online and broadcast news outlets
December 7, 2011 / African Standard
by Tecee Boley
Eighteen percent of all deaths in Liberia are related to illnesses caused by poor water and sanitation. Can the government provide safe, clean water to its people?
December 7, 2011 / The Atlantic
by Jon Sawyer, Kem Knapp Sawyer
The legacy of Mohandas Gandhi lives on in Anna Hazare's growing movement, but is he the new Gandhi that many want him to be?
December 6, 2011 / The New Yorker
by Alexis Okeowo
At the International Conference on Family Planning in Dakar this month, a new study suggesting that hormonal contraception shots may double the risk of women becoming H.I.V.-positive, created a stir.

Untold Stories

Reports from the field - an exclusive channel of Pulitzer Center reporting
December 8, 2011 by Sara Shahriari, Noah Friedman-Rudovsky
Marcelino Coila Choque, a local fisherman, is concerned that over-fishing and water contamination will threaten the future of Lake Titicaca's resources.
December 6, 2011
by Tom Hundley
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood could learn from Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, an Islamist who preaches secularism.
December 1, 2011
by Selay Marius Kouassi
Villages in western Ivory Coast are still recovering from post-election violence. Selay Marius Kouassi reports on the lack of access to water amid the simmering political situation.


Reporting projects commissioned by the Pulitzer Center
by Jina Moore, Jake Naughton
This reporting initiative partners African and US journalists to explore critical challenges in reproductive health and family planning—and what they mean for life, death and socio-economic stability...
by Selay Marius Kouassi
After recent political violence divided communities, some in Ivory Coast look to local water management as a key to reconciliation, social cohesion and long-lasting peace.
Anna Hazare speaks with supporters in Ralegan Siddhi in India.
by Jon Sawyer, Kem Knapp Sawyer
Anna Hazare, inspired by Gandhi, transformed a village—Ralegan Siddhi, his hometown. Now, 74 years old, he wants to rid his country of corruption using the same tactics of non-violent resistance.


Gateways contain multiple Pulitzer Center reporting projects that focus on a single issue
Population is a global issue that lies at the intersection of economics, environment, gender roles, culture, politics, and religion.  The Population Gateway will explore this controversial, confusing...
The initial shock of the earthquake has passed but Haiti continues its struggle to overcome both man-made and natural disasters. Amidst the rubble, a devastated infrastructure and untold suffering,...
The Downstream Gateway examines global issues related to water, from ecosystems and watersheds to freshwater resources, conservation efforts, and the impact of human activity and public policy.