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New "About the BBC" website

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Ian McDonald Ian McDonald | 10:34 UK time, Monday, 5 December 2011

Today, colleagues have begun to bring the various websites about what the BBC does, including the About the BBC blog, together into one site. Ian Hunter - Managing Editor, BBC Online - has blogged about it there:

The task we set ourselves here was to improve the quality and coherence of the BBC's corporate online presence, and at the same time to make it much more cost effective.

When we analysed the sites we found they fitted within five broad categories. The new About the BBC, therefore, has five sections. They share a single design and navigation pattern ...

Ian McDonald is the Content Producer, BBC Internet Blog

What's On BBC Red Button 3rd - 11th December

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Iain Hoare Iain Hoare | 06:00 UK time, Saturday, 3 December 2011

What's On Red Button banner

One Man and His Dog

Four National Teams - England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales - compete to be crowned 2011 Champions in the Young Handlers, the Brace and the Singles rounds.

The Young Handlers, all of whom are under the age of 18, take to the field first, setting the pace and the standard for the rest of the competition.

Next up is the Brace, one man has two dogs and ten sheep to control around the demanding Balmoral Castle course.

And finally the Singles round, one man, one dog but with two flocks of sheep. This round decides the ultimate winning team of One Man and His Dog 2011.

Matt Baker

Matt Baker presents the 35th One Man and His Dog Championships

Red Button has complete coverage of this year's competition.

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BBC Homepage: your feedback (#2)

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James Thornett James Thornett | 18:30 UK time, Friday, 2 December 2011

Thank you for all your feedback on the BBC Homepage redesign. There have been a lot of comments on my blog post from Wednesday and lots of you have also sent emails and completed our survey.

Most of the comments on the Internet Blog have been critical of the new design, with many requests to bring the old homepage back, so I wanted to explain again why we have made these changes.

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