Karen Tumulty.

Karen Tumulty.

@ktumulty Washington, DC
Trying to adapt. Also, national political correspondent for the Washington Post.
Text follow ktumulty to 40404 in the United States
Hostess cited the rising cost of sugar, flour and that top secret chemical that allows Twinkies to withstand nuclear winter.
Karen Tumulty.
Huntsman's speech probably sounded better in the original Mandarin.
Karen Tumulty.
No one will ever accuse of being inauthentic.
Karen Tumulty.
Ron Paul wants the government to get off his lawn.
Karen Tumulty.
@ other than the generic "some desperate republicans"
Karen Tumulty.
I will be very disappointed if Paul doesn't declare that we are all austrians now.
Howard Fineman
Romney's speech is the sharpest high-profile attack on Obama, and Romney's best if most negative speech. It signals a truly vicious battle.
Felicia Sonmez
Must-read from our crack polling team RT @: How Romney won the New Hampshire primary -
Karen Tumulty.
@ you did!
Karen Tumulty.
.@ if u r a pol in NH, only thing that gets u in more trouble than being seen at starbucks is rooting for the yankees. Dunkin.
Karen Tumulty.
How one Californian is living the dream with @
Karen Tumulty.
Am at the only place in NH where you are guaranteed not to run into a politician: Starbucks. In this state, Dunkin' rules.
Mary Katharine Ham
I don't think I've heard the word flinty nearly enough this year.
Karen Tumulty.
@ thanks! You are so kind. And yes, I do know what that looks like.
Karen Tumulty.
@ wow. Azd and daily texan. You sound like .... Me. Would love to meet you.
Karen Tumulty.
Strange alliance: and joining forces to harass gingrich and santorum events in manchester.
Nick Alpers
@ Would LOVE incoming CoS to say to media, "I'm proud to accept this job b/c I am sick and tired of spending time with my family"
Karen Tumulty.
.@ okay, karen hughes. any man you can think of?
Karen Tumulty.
some investigative reporter should look at whether bigwigs who leave jobs to spend more time with their family ever actually do.
Karen Tumulty.
Man on manchester street corner holding sign that says SARAH HELP! @