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Page last updated at 09:19 GMT, Friday, 9 December 2011

Webscape: Build your own games


Kate Russell's weekly review of new and interesting sites and apps.

Stencyl.com is a free download that lets you build your own basic games - ideal for any budding coders out there.

Become a dinner party bore with the huge amount of information about sampled music on whosampled.com.

Wikitude is an augmented reality browser that overlays the vast amount of information on Wikipedia onto the physical world through your smartphone camera.

If you're a gamer from the 1980s you'll most likely remember platform puzzler Dizzy, which has been given a 21st Century makeover with the launch of apps for iPhone, iPad and Android.

The Mars Curiosity launched a couple of weeks ago and is now tweeting on @MarsCuriosity. More details are available on the Nasa website .

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