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(104 programmes from the past week and the week to come, or available now on BBC iPlayer)

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  1. D&B M1X with Crissy Criss Available on BBC iPlayer
  2. D&B with Bailey Available on BBC iPlayer
  3. Dad's Army Available on BBC iPlayer
  4. Dafydd a Caryl Available on BBC iPlayer
  5. Daily Service
  6. Dal i Gredu Available on BBC iPlayer
  7. Dali Christ, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  8. Damien St John Available on BBC iPlayer
  9. Dan Chisholm Available on BBC iPlayer
  10. Dan yr Wyneb gyda Dylan Iorwerth Available on BBC iPlayer
  11. Dancehall M1X with Young Lion Available on BBC iPlayer
  12. Dancehall with Robbo Ranx Available on BBC iPlayer
  13. Danny Baker Available on BBC iPlayer
  14. Danny Baker Show, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  15. Danny Kelly Available on BBC iPlayer
  16. Danny Pike Available on BBC iPlayer
  17. Darryl Morris Available on BBC iPlayer
  18. Darwin's Devon Available on BBC iPlayer
  19. Dave Bradley Available on BBC iPlayer
  20. Dave Cash Available on BBC iPlayer
  21. Dave Monk Available on BBC iPlayer
  22. Dave Podmore Available on BBC iPlayer
  23. Dave Sheasby - Donkeys Led By Lions
  24. David Allen Available on BBC iPlayer
  25. David and Becky Available on BBC iPlayer
  26. David Burns Available on BBC iPlayer
  27. David Edgar - Mary Barnes Available on BBC iPlayer
  28. David Hume and the Triumph of Reason Available on BBC iPlayer
  29. David Jacobs Collection, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  30. David Lowe Available on BBC iPlayer
  31. David Ogilvy: The Original Mad Man
  32. David Smith Available on BBC iPlayer
  33. David White Available on BBC iPlayer
  34. David Whiteley Available on BBC iPlayer
  35. Dawn Chorus Available on BBC iPlayer
  36. Daybreak with Wayne Clarke Available on BBC iPlayer
  37. Dead Sea Scrolls Revisited Available on BBC iPlayer
  38. Dean Jackson Available on BBC iPlayer
  39. Dean Pepall Available on BBC iPlayer
  40. Dear Darwin Available on BBC iPlayer
  41. Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Sgoiltean BT Alba 2011
  42. Debating Animals Available on BBC iPlayer
  43. Debbie McCrory Available on BBC iPlayer
  44. Debbie McGee Available on BBC iPlayer
  45. Dedications with Kathy Secker Available on BBC iPlayer
  46. Defeat of Sleep, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  47. Defining Moments Available on BBC iPlayer
  48. Defining The Decade Available on BBC iPlayer
  49. Dei Tomos Available on BBC iPlayer
  50. Democracy on Trial Available on BBC iPlayer
  51. Den Siegertsz Available on BBC iPlayer
  52. Dermot O'Leary Available on BBC iPlayer
  53. Desert Island Discs Available on BBC iPlayer
  54. Desert Island Discs Revisited Available on BBC iPlayer
  55. Desi Download Available on BBC iPlayer
  56. Desi Programme with Ajmal Available on BBC iPlayer
  57. Desmond Carrington: The Music Goes Round Available on BBC iPlayer
  58. Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed
  59. Dev Available on BBC iPlayer
  60. Devotional Sounds Available on BBC iPlayer
  61. Devotional Sounds: Hindu Available on BBC iPlayer
  62. Devotional Sounds: Islam Available on BBC iPlayer
  63. Devotional Sounds: Sikh Available on BBC iPlayer
  64. Dewi Llwyd ar Fore Sul Available on BBC iPlayer
  65. Dhamaka Available on BBC iPlayer
  66. Diana Luke Available on BBC iPlayer
  67. Dilemma Available on BBC iPlayer
  68. Discovering Music Available on BBC iPlayer
  69. Discovery Available on BBC iPlayer
  70. Dishonour and Depression Available on BBC iPlayer
  71. DJ Edu - Destination Africa Available on BBC iPlayer
  72. DJ Kayper Available on BBC iPlayer
  73. DJ Target Available on BBC iPlayer
  74. Doctor and Douglas, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  75. Doctor Who
  76. Document Available on BBC iPlayer
  77. Documentary, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  78. Does Happiness Write White? Available on BBC iPlayer
  79. Doha Debates, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  80. Doing It in the Street Available on BBC iPlayer
  81. Domesday Reloaded - Me and My Square Available on BBC iPlayer
  82. Dominic King Available on BBC iPlayer
  83. Don Letts Available on BBC iPlayer
  84. Don't Hang Up Available on BBC iPlayer
  85. Doon Your Way Available on BBC iPlayer
  86. Dotun Adebayo on Sunday Available on BBC iPlayer
  87. Double Take Available on BBC iPlayer
  88. Down in the Grooves Available on BBC iPlayer
  89. Down to Earth Available on BBC iPlayer
  90. Dr Rock Available on BBC iPlayer
  91. Dragons' Lab, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  92. Drama on 3 Available on BBC iPlayer
  93. Drift, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  94. Drive Available on BBC iPlayer
  95. Drivetime Available on BBC iPlayer
  96. Drivetime Available on BBC iPlayer
  97. Drivetime on BBC Essex Available on BBC iPlayer
  98. Drivetime with Eddie Nestor Available on BBC iPlayer
  99. Drone Wars Available on BBC iPlayer
  100. Dulcie Dixon Available on BBC iPlayer
  101. Duncan Warren Available on BBC iPlayer
  102. Durbervilles, The Available on BBC iPlayer
  103. Dustan Off the Stoor
  104. Dèanamaid Adhradh Available on BBC iPlayer

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