


British suffrage movement
Suffrage movement, World War I, Democratic reform, Why women got the vote
Liberal government 1906-1914
Motives for reform, Impact of reforms
Labour governments 1945-1951
The Five Giants, Impact of reforms
Growth of democracy
Major changes, Reasons for change
Growth of German nationalism
National consciousness, Bismarck and unification, Hitler's rise to power, Impact of Nazi rule
Large-scale state: USA
Boom and bust, The New Deal, Race relations between the wars, Post-war race relations
Large-scale state: Russia
The Tsar's regime till 1914, The causes of the February Revolution, The causes of the October Revolution, The Russian Civil War
The road to war
Appeasement, Rhineland, Anschluss, The Spanish Civil War, Munich
Scottish History
The Scottish Wars of Independence (1286-1328), The Age of Reformation (1542-1603)
Exam skills
Essay writing, Source handling

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