
Section 5: Harm and Offence

Audience Expectations



We should judge the suitability of content for our audiences, including children, in relation to the expectations of the likely audience, taking account of the time and day on which it is available, the nature of the service and the nature of the content.

The following questions can help determine whether content will be within the expectations of the audience:

  • What is the likely composition of the audience, including the likely number and age range of children in the audience taking account of school time, weekends and holidays?  (We should be aware that school holidays are different in different parts of the UK.)
  • Does the talent, slot, title, genre or service carry pre-existing expectations that may be challenged by the content?
  • Has any difficult or challenging content been clearly signposted?
  • Are there any special sensitivities surrounding the slot, for example religious festivals or anniversaries of major events?
  • What is the likely "pull-through audience" (that is, what is the nature of the preceding content and what kind of audience is it likely to attract)?


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