How to guides: I find a keyboard or mouse hard to use

These guides explain ways to change how your computer or web browser operates, to make things easier for people who find a mouse difficult to use.

Make your keyboard easier to use

How to change the settings so that the keyboard is more accessible or can be used on-screen.

Make your mouse easier to use

How to change the settings to slow your mouse down, make the mouse left-handed and enlarge the mouse pointer.

Overview: Alternatives to keyboard and mouse

An overview of ways to interact with your computer using different input devices such as switches and touch screens.

Use voice recognition

How to set up and customise the speech-recognition feature on your operating system.

Use your keyboard to control the mouse

How to set up your computer so that you can use the numeric keypad in place of a mouse.

Factsheets and useful links

Communication aids

A brief overview of the issues to be taken into account when assessing communication needs and a list of useful resources.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format

Keyboard and mouse alternatives

A look at the many software and hardware options available for people who find the keyboard and/or mouse difficult to use.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format

Voice recognition software - an introduction

An overview of the main features of voice recognition software, how to get started and frequently asked questions.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format

Voice recognition software - advanced features

A comparison of the main voice recognition software packages and the advanced tasks that they can perform.
Factsheet in PDF format | Factsheet in text format navigation

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