Using Google News RSS Feeds

In an effort to provide our users with easier access to updates about news topics of interest to them, we offer RSS feeds of Google News. Feeds are available for any section of Google News (such as Sports or Business), for your Google News search results, or for your customized Google News page. When you subscribe to a Google News feed using a feed reader, you'll receive a regularly updated summary of relevant news articles along with links to the full articles. Google News feeds are available in RSS 2.0 format.

You can use and subscribe to both Google News section feeds and search results feeds. You can find Google News Feeds by searching for the orange RSS icon at the bottom of any Google News page. For more information on RSS feeds, please visit the Google Reader Help Center's guide to RSS Feeds.

By clicking this RSS icon, you can get a feed for any Google News section. For instance, while you're on the Business page, clicking the RSS icon at the bottom of the page will give you a feed of business news.

You can also get a feed for any search you do on Google News. First perform any search on Google News, then simply use the RSS icon at the bottom of the search results page to generate the feed.

Common questions about Google News Feeds

What are RSS feeds and how do I use them?
An RSS feed is a regularly updated summary of web content, along with links to full versions of that content. When you subscribe to a given website's feed by using a feed reader, you'll receive a summary of new content from that website. Important: You'll need feed reader in order to subscribe to website feeds.

How do I subscribe to a Google News feeds?
Search for the orange RSS icon at the bottom of any Google News section page, custom section, or search result to get the address of the feed you're interested in. You can enter this address into your feed reader of choice.

Can I incorporate a Google News Feed on my site?
Yes, you can! Please read our guidelines for incorporating Google News Feeds on your site for more information.

Can I change my preferences associated with Google News Feeds such as the frequency I receive updates?
Google News doesn't offer a way to change the manner or the frequency you'll see content from a specific feed. To adjust these preferences, you'll have to review the options available for the feed reader you're using. If you're using Google Reader, you may want to learn about some tips for organizing feeds.

What are some examples of available Google News Feeds?

Example of search results as a feed:

Example of a custom section as a feed:

Help resources

Help for Publishers

Are you a news publisher? We encourage you to visit our Publisher Help Center for help with your site. Here, you'll find our most comprehensive, up-to-date information for publishers.