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  5. Jazz & Blues

Music: Jazz & Blues

Show: All | Current | Available on BBC iPlayer

(23 programmes available now on BBC iPlayer)

  1. After Midnight with Linley Hamilton Available on BBC iPlayer

    Linley Hamilton offers listeners the very best in contemporary jazz music

  2. Andy Kershaw Available on BBC iPlayer

    Veteran broadcaster Andy Kershaw presents his unique musical mix

  3. Arts, Classical and Jazz Zone Available on BBC iPlayer

    A vibrant mix of programmes celebrating the cultural life of Scotland

  4. Big Band Special Available on BBC iPlayer

    The very best big band music, from the 1930s to the present day

  5. Blues to the Bone: The Life of Etta James Available on BBC iPlayer

    Candi Staton presents the story of the great RnB singer.

  6. Clare Teal Available on BBC iPlayer

    Clare Teal presents the best in swinging big band sounds

  7. Gilles Peterson Available on BBC iPlayer

    Joining the musical dots.

  8. Iain Anderson Available on BBC iPlayer

    End the day in the company of the song writing masters of country, folk and rock'n'roll

  9. Jamie Cullum Available on BBC iPlayer

    Jamie Cullum showcases his love of jazz, featuring live sessions and special guests

  10. Jazz Club Available on BBC iPlayer

    Walter Love presents a selection of the best in jazz, including Radio Ulster recordings.

  11. Jazz Library Available on BBC iPlayer

    Advice and guidance to those interested in building a library of jazz recordings

  12. Jazz Line-Up Available on BBC iPlayer

    Programme exploring jazz music.

  13. Jazz on 3 Available on BBC iPlayer

    Programme showcasing the pick of today's live jazz recordings, with additional features

  14. Jazz Record Requests Available on BBC iPlayer

    Jazz records from across the genre, as requested by Radio 3 listeners

  15. Jazz with John Hellings Available on BBC iPlayer

    Jazz with John Hellings

  16. Ken Clarke's Jazz Greats Available on BBC iPlayer

    Former chancellor Ken Clarke profiles great jazz musicians of the 20th century

  17. New Generation Artists Available on BBC iPlayer

    New Generation Artists 2011-2013 announced!

  18. Paul Jones Available on BBC iPlayer

    The weekly dose of Rhythm and Blues tunes from Paul Jones

  19. Ralph McLean - Soul Music Available on BBC iPlayer

    Ralph McLean plays a mix of R 'n' B, soul and gospel, blues and funk

  20. Russell Davies Available on BBC iPlayer

    Russell Davies celebrates the art, craft and inspiration of the popular song

  21. The Jazz House Available on BBC iPlayer

    The latest national and international jazz releases, plus live music and guests

  22. The Late Paul Barnes Available on BBC iPlayer

    Late night big band, jazz and irresistible sounds.

  23. Ujima Radio Available on BBC iPlayer

    You can listen to the best of Ujima Radio 98FM - Bristol's urban community radio station.

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