

Europe News

From Ireland to Russia, GlobalPost's extensive network of correspondents spans the continent to deliver Europe news stories that are original, objective and adhere to the highest standards of journalism.

European News Online

We go beyond the usual coverage to dig deep into each country's domestic issues and foreign policies to bring our readers European news from a unique on-the-ground perspective. Visit the following sections for country-specific reports:

Belguim/Luxemburg/Netherlands news France news
Ireland news Poland news
Spain news United Kingdom news
Czech Republic news Germany news
Italy news Russia news
Turkey news

With intelligent reporting and captivating video and photography, GlobalPost gives readers a fresh take on Europe news.

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It’s time to ask how the US media handled the biggest news year in decades.
Media report card fenton 2011 12 29
LONDON — Were they up to the task of reporting these huge events? Barely. Did American reporters do a good job of explaining what they portended? Not really.