
Astonished by German Astonishment Over Nazi Attacks

Lia Petridis Maiello | Posted 11.22.2011 | World

Lia Petridis Maiello

I am not for the first time writing on behalf of the immigrant community to Germany, as the daughter of a Greek immigrant in Germany. On October 21st ...

Dogs Bark Because We Gallop

Jorge-Mario Cabrera | Posted 12.06.2011 | Latino Voices

Jorge-Mario Cabrera

There is no room for second-guessing, Mr. President. Congress and the White House must hold onto courage, heart, and mind to stop the types of ill-intentioned, myopic, inhumane laws such as SB1070 and SB56, and get back to work on smart, humane, and sensible updates to our nation's broken and inconsistent immigration laws.

Know Nothings and Immigrants: Some Things Never Change

James Peron | Posted 12.05.2011 | Politics

James Peron

The complaints that were made about Irish immigrants are pretty similar to those we hear today about Mexican immigrants. The xenophobes insisted the Irish were lazy, prone to crime, drank too much, and were stealing jobs from good white Americans.

What's Behind Putin's Push To Tame Far-Right Racism In Russia?

Le Temps/Worldcrunch | Posted 10.09.2011 | World

MOSCOW -- Five months to go before the next legislative elections, the Kremlin is turning its attention to the issue of inter-ethnic racism. In recent...

Islam-Baiting Doesn't Work

Stephan Salisbury | Posted 09.17.2011 | Politics

Stephan Salisbury

Sharia has become a convenient way to harp on nonexistent, yet anxiety-producing, "threats." Since no one knows what you're talking about when you decry Sharia, it's even easier than usual to say anything, no matter how bizarre or duplicitous.

For Romney, Slow and Steady Wins the Zzz...

Karl Frisch | Posted 09.05.2011 | Politics

Karl Frisch

You've got to hand it to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. What he lacks in consistency and charisma as the 2012 Republican presidential frontrunner, he makes up for with stunning political awkwardness.

Amanda Terkel

GOP Candidate Under Fire For 'Xenophobic' Ad Warning Of A Chinese Takeover

HuffingtonPost.com | Amanda Terkel | Posted 08.22.2011 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- A Republican congressional candidate in Nevada is facing criticism from Asian-American groups for his controversial new ad that portrays...

Arizona's SB1070: A Year After

Jorge-Mario Cabrera | Posted 06.18.2011 | Los Angeles

Jorge-Mario Cabrera

Not much and yet all has changed since the first major anti-immigrant legislation in a quarter of a century became law one year ago.

Has Anti-Latino Sentiment Peaked?

Daniel Cubias | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Daniel Cubias

Virgil Peck's feeble attempt at humor lines up with the more overt shrieking of those conservatives who are terrified of Latinos, immigrants, undocumented people, or all three. They know that their mindset, once the default setting for the nation, is fading away.

Ron Schiller, Truth-Telling And The Problem of Fear

Ben Daniel | Posted 05.25.2011 | Religion

Ben Daniel

As far as I can tell, Schiller said what is merely obvious, what I've said more times than I can count in my work as a preacher, writer, and activist. Do I also deserve an angry response? Should I resign from my job?

Immigration And The U.S.: Dasha's Story

Jack Schimmelman | Posted 06.26.2011 | Impact

Jack Schimmelman

When you hear someone talk about how we can't afford to have any more immigration to this country, why not remind that person of the talents, love and commitment that new immigrants bring to our culture?

Leading the Way on Immigration Reform

Sayu Bhojwani | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Sayu Bhojwani

Anti-immigrant sentiment and xenophobia shape too much of the discourse in our country. Bloomberg's call to fix our broken immigration system is a policy call our new Congress needs to hear.

Why Americans Don't Travel Overseas

Matt Kepnes | Posted 05.25.2011 | Travel

Matt Kepnes

Only about 20% of Americans own a passport. This number may be on the rise, but the number of Americans who have traveled overseas has been on the decline since 2006. Why is it that America turns a blind eye to the planet?

Our Precious Bodily Fluids: Beck, Soros and Obama

Carlo Strenger | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Carlo Strenger

Watching the sad spectacle of Glenn Beck's defamation of George Soros, it is difficult to avoid pessimism about human nature.

What's This Year's Thanksgiving Message?

Danny Groner | Posted 05.25.2011 | Media

Danny Groner

It might appear a bit jarring to some to be engaged in such a furious debate over the controversial airport patdowns at a time intended for celebration. Does this represent the state of our country today?

Let's Boycott Geography Awareness Week

Kim Mance | Posted 05.25.2011 | Comedy

Kim Mance

Honestly, no one should really care about things like outside geography when we already know the US is the center of the universe.

Macacas and Turban Toppers: Xenophobic Rhetoric and the 2010 Elections

Deepa Iyer | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Deepa Iyer

It is important not to underestimate the chilling effects that xenophobic rhetoric can have on the full civic and political involvement of new American voters and on candidates from our communities.

Our Historic Stand Against the Bank Cabal's Coalition of Darkness

Richard (RJ) Eskow | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Richard (RJ) Eskow

Perspective's hard to come by in the heat of the moment, but it's already clear that this week's election is profoundly important. The forces of smal...

Hello, 21st Century Yellow Peril

Cody Gault | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Cody Gault

For the sake of a Congressional majority, the conservative movement in America has exploited the anxieties of white people who cannot cope with the changing demographics of their country.

Obama Restored Honor and Dignity to the White House. He's the Real Thing.

Bella DePaulo | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Bella DePaulo

Watching President Obama on Jon Stewart's Daily Show last night reminded me of why I think so highly of him. In no particular order, my incomplete lis...

Does Fear Rule Your Life?

Ed and Deb Shapiro | Posted 11.17.2011 | Healthy Living

Ed and Deb Shapiro

As fear spreads, it reassures us that we are not alone in this unfounded fear, that we are right to believe the enemy is the "other."

That Nazi Analogy Thing

Peter Clothier | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Peter Clothier

I'm not one to readily use the Adolf Hitler/Nazi analogy, but a front page article in today's New York Times about this exhibition at the German Histo...

Is France Leading Europe Towards a Future When Discrimination Against Minorities Is the Norm?

Azeem Ibrahim | Posted 05.25.2011 | World

Azeem Ibrahim

Discrimination against minorities in Europe has become more blatant in the last ten years than it ever has been before. Intolerance on the continent is in danger of going mainstream.

"I Love The Mosque" Shirts Printed by Activists to Challenge Islamophobia

Andy Stepanian | Posted 05.25.2011 | Religion

Andy Stepanian

People say you worry more as you get older. I am wondering if it is that exact sentiment that is resonating in me now. It's 10pm on Friday night, Se...

African-American Voter Turnout in 2010 May Hinge on the President Who Happens to be Black

Brian Ross | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Brian Ross

An African-American friend told me that "Obama is not the African-American President. He's a black man who happens to be the President." Will that no...