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Jan. 09, 2012
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Does Daley departure mean trouble?

Plus, will Keith Olbermann be his own undoing?


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    Erika Lovley

    Erika Lovley Moderator :

    White House chief of staff William Daley is stepping down from his position, POLITICO has learned. Office of Management and Budget director Jack Lew is expected to replace him.

    Does this move signify a losing election cycle for the Obama administration? Or might Daley’s departure be a breath of fresh air for the White House?

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    David N. Bossie

    David N. Bossie President of Citizens United :

    William Daley’s surprise departure from the White House today shows that 1600 Pennsylvanian Avenue is in complete turmoil. 

    Replacing William Daley with Jack Lew is like trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.  President Obama’s presidency has been a complete failure and it is fun to see another Chicagoan looking for a life raft.   

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    Gloria Feldt

    Gloria Feldt Author of "No Excuses" and former Planned Parenthood CEO :

    Oh give me a break. Daley wasn't a good fit from the start. Staff changes happen all the time. Daley's leaving is not even a ripple, let alone a tempest in a teapot. 


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    Rory Cooper

    Rory Cooper Director of communications, Heritage Foundation :

    President Obama has now had four chiefs of staff in only 16 months. No previous president have ever had more than four, and that includes two-termers. Sounds like a lovely West Wing. However, I doubt we’ll see hundreds of “White House in turmoil” stories, as we may have if this occurred in another administration. Jack Lew is a former Clinton operative that helped craft HillaryCare, and has presided over massive spending and debt increases at the Obama OMB. Hopefully, this isn’t the experience he draws from in his new position.

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    Daniella Gibbs Leger

    Daniella Gibbs Leger Center for American Progress VP; former Obama administration official :

    Does this move signify a losing election cycle for the Obama administration? No, it doesn’t.

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    Phil Kerpen

    Phil Kerpen Vice president for policy, Americans for Prosperity :

    The Daley departure marks the end of Obama's attempt to look pro-business, launched a year ago with his much-touted WSJ op-ed promising regulatory reform.  Now Obama will return to his comfort zone as a far left demagogue stoking class envy and playing to his ideologically-motivated left-wing base.


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    Tom Korologos

    Tom Korologos Former ambassador, consultant and Republican strategist :

    My guess is "The Illinois Mafia" decided Daley was a drag on the campaign - being a Washington insider and all and, probably even tempering some of the president's positions. Atop the new book on Michelle Obama's operations in the White House, it's obvious the full story hasn't been told just yet.

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    Thomas J. Whalen

    Thomas J. Whalen Professor of Social Science, Boston University :

    Daley was such an odd fit as chief of staff to begin with.

    He had always been the ultimate slick Washington insider with deep ties to the Wall Street crowd. Hardly the "Change We Can Believe In" that candidate Obama promised on the presidential campaign trail back in 2008. And that's a major reason why the president is facing such a tough reelection fight this time around. Many of his old supporters, particularly those under thirty, feel he cynically sold them out over head-scratching choices like this one. Maybe if he ditches Timothy Geithner as well, some of these supporters will come back. Don't hold your breath, however.

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    Erika Lovley

    Erika Lovley Moderator :

    Political news anchor Keith Olbermann continues to make waves at Current TV, the New York Times reports.

    After recently declining to lead the channel’s coverage of the Iowa caucuses, the network went ahead and broadcast without him. Now both sides are communicating through lawyers and Olbermann’s television future appears somewhat cloudy – despite the fact that he has serious leverage over the content and control of his show.

    Was Al Gore wise to give the embattled anchor such significant power in a small media company? Will Olbermann be his own undoing?

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    Ex-Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite

    Ex-Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite Former member of Congress (R-Fla.) :

    Well - guess Mr. Mean (aka Keith Olbermann) has angered even his own network executives.  Not sure anyone watched the channel anyway!  

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    Elayne Rapping

    Elayne Rapping Professor of American Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo :

    Keith Olbermann  is one of the most  knowledgeable and literate political commentators of our time, which is saying a lot considering the low level of much political punditry these days. He is a true original and whether you agree with him or not he is always worth listening to. He brings a level of seriousness and gravitas to a public sphere increasingly lacking these qualities
    Unfortunately he does not play well with others. Thinking he could fit his gigantic ego into the confines of a dollars and ratings poor venue like Current TV was an obvious mistake. Being a big fish in a small pond is clearly not his comfort zone. But then what would be?
    It is always sad to see someone of talent self-destruct because of inherent character and personality flaws. But it is all too common these days, when large egos are fed with even larger rewards of money, power  and fame, until they begin to believe their own hype and think they are irreplaceable. I hope Olbermann does resolve his problems at Current and manages to stick around. But given his track record it does not look good.

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    Michael Yaki

    Michael Yaki Member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights :

    The sad truth is that neither party is right. 

    Current TV is clearly not ready for prime-time, and particularly in the high-production values needed for election coverage, where dazzling graphics, instant computer analysis, and quick cutaways to skilled and seasoned reporters are the shiny lures for viewers.  As Ann Richards used to say, you can put lipstick on a sow and call it Suzy but it's still a pig, and dressing up a set with "Primary Coverage" will not hide the deficiencies that drove Olbermann into one of his patented sulks.  

    Olbermann, however right he may be in assessing Current TV's deficiencies, should at least conduct himself with a little more sensitivity to an employer -  yes, employer - who gave him both a life raft and the keys to Dad's car when they hired him. Unless this is a clever ploy to rid himself of his contract at Current and bounce, yet again, to a corporate giant with higher ratings potential and where he will have the lifespan of a mayfly, I hope they both get it together, because news analysis is the better for having Olbermann's unique talent on air.  

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    Ken Feltman

    Ken Feltman Past president; International Association of Political Consultants :

    Friendship is not enough when dealing with combustible personalities. Keith Olbermann is a difficult man to work with. Former Vice President Gore is touchy and has a questionable success record as a businessman.
    What did they expect? Who will want Olbermann after this?

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    Brad Bannon

    Brad Bannon President, Bannon Communications Research :

    The only reason the media is buzzing with talk about Current TV right now is Keith Olbermann's high profile.
    Olbermann put Current TV on the map and the network will stay on the radar if they find someone of the same statue. The controversy about his departure will do even more for Al Gore and his network,
    Olbermann is his own enemy. Since he's burned his bridges in politics, my guess is he'll follow his passion for baseball. Is anyone looking for an analyst to go along with their baseball play by play guy? Rush Limbaugh would get a kick out of it, if the former MSNBC host works for the Cincinnati Reds. But Olbermann should be very cautious in the new job. In baseball, it's three strikes and you're out.




  • Subject
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  1. Posted onJan. 07, 2012
  2. Posted onJan. 06, 2012
  3. Posted onJan. 05, 2012
  4. Posted onJan. 04, 2012
  5. Posted onJan. 03, 2012
  6. Posted onJan. 02, 2012
  7. Posted onDec. 31, 2011

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