Last Update 22:23
Tuesday, 03 July 2018

Scholes comes out of retirement for Man United

Paul Scholes is coming out of retirement to rejoin Manchester United for the rest of season, starting Sunday in the FA Cup against Manchester City

AP, Sunday 8 Jan 2012
Manchester United's Paul Scholes (Photo: Reuters)
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The 37-year-old midfielder quit football at the end of last season but has remained at Old Trafford as a coach.

United says Scholes approached manager Alex Ferguson to reverse his decision and will be on the bench at Man City on Sunday.

Scholes says it’s been “pretty clear since I stopped playing that I miss it.”

He added: “I’m delighted the manager feels I can still make a contribution to the team and I’m looking forward to playing my part in trying to bring more success to this great club.”

Ferguson says “it’s fantastic that Paul has made this decision.”

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