
Tips to Power Up and Stay the Course for Your 2012 Intentions!

Aleta St. James | Posted 01.12.2012 | Healthy Living

Aleta St. James

You absolutely deserve to live the greatest year of your life in 2012, so don't let temporary blips get in your way.

Rich-Poor Conflict Now Biggest Source Of Tension In America

nytimes.com | Posted 01.11.2012 | Politics

Conflict between rich and poor now eclipses racial strain and friction between immigrants and the native-born as the greatest source of tension in Ame...

The Richest People To Have Recently Run For President

The Huffington Post | Harry Bradford | Posted 01.11.2012 | Business

Regardless of whether Mitt Romney eventually secures the presidency this year, he's already cemented his place in recent election history. The for...

Creating Your Vision For Wealth and Well-Being In 2012

Anne Naylor | Posted 01.09.2012 | Healthy Living

Anne Naylor

May 2012 bless you with many opportunities to expand beyond your former limits of wealth and well-being and into the greater appreciation of who you truly are.

The 99 Percent: Income Inequality by the Numbers

Jason Salzman | Posted 12.30.2011 | Denver

Jason Salzman

In all the hubbub of police marching in riot gear and protestors fleeing, chroniclers of the Occupy Movement sometimes forget to remind us what's at the heart of the matter. So, here's a crib sheet for anyone writing about Occupy in 2012.

My Life in the One Percent

Janice Harper | Posted 12.30.2011 | Impact

Janice Harper

We all want to be better people, yet when given the chance to do so, we often stumble over our own desires and interests and end up even more generous to ourselves.

Congress and Wealth: Considering the Influence of Race, Gender, Class and Education

Darren Hutchinson | Posted 12.27.2011 | Politics

Darren Hutchinson

With the median net worth of our Congress at $913,000, many members have been insulated from the harmful impact of the economic downturn. This fact, however, lacks a lot of information that could put this data into a more informative context.

The Advent Challenge To Wealth

Mark Osler | Posted 12.19.2011 | Religion

Mark Osler

The only theology John the Baptist offered were the directives to repent and to give away our wealth, retaining only what we truly need. ... The truth about that wealth was so deep and clear in the eyes of God that it was at the heart of Christ's message.

Wealth, The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Dedrick Muhammad | Posted 12.14.2011 | Black Voices

Dedrick Muhammad

It is important during these tough economic times that celebrating the holidays doesn't inhibit one's ability to save and build wealth. This is particularly important for communities of color.

Americans Think That If You Make More Than This Amount, You're Rich

The Huffington Post | Bonnie Kavoussi | Posted 12.09.2011 | Business

It's not only one percenters that Americans consider rich. More than half of those recently polled by Gallup said an income of no more than $150,0...

Hungry for High Net Worth Clients? Platform in Hong Kong and Take a Bite From the DimSum Bond Market

April Rudin | Posted 12.06.2011 | Business

April Rudin

What does Hong Kong have in common with Facebook, business intelligence software, and new mobile medical diagnostic technologies for physicians workin...

Notes From a Party for Rich People

Daniel Cubias | Posted 12.02.2011 | Politics

Daniel Cubias

The aluminumadores in my neighborhood at least try to maintain some kind of dignity in spite of their humiliating circumstances. Contrast that with what I witnessed at the upscale party, where a wealthy man groveled and whined just to get his friends inside.

A Very Middle Class Revolution - Why We Need The IPhone Activists Of The Occupy Wall Street Movement

Alexander Walters | Posted 11.21.2011 | UK Politics

Alexander Walters

It's easy now for Theresa May to mock the skinny-jeaned hipsters buying their Starbucks lattes when they're not loitering outside St Paul's, but it may not be so for much longer. Whilst the Occupy movement and it's offshoots might seem at times a little try-hard, with its smartphone-clutching legions marshalled forth by Twitter and Facebook, anybody who wants change needs them to keep shouting.

5 Seducers That Steal Our Awareness and Contentment

David Nichtern | Posted 11.16.2011 | Healthy Living

David Nichtern

The $64 question is, can we maintain balance, awareness and open-heartedness while we engage fully in the activities of this world? Can we make the five seducers work for us or will we work for them?

America's Love-Hate Relationship with Wealth

J.D. Roth | Posted 11.16.2011 | Business

J.D. Roth

:link { color: blue } :visited { color: purple } I was on the road for the past two months, first in Chicago, and then in Bolivia and Pe...

Don't Protest the Rich, Get Rich

Grant Cardone | Posted 01.04.2012 | Business

Grant Cardone

The rich would love nothing more than for everyone move up an income or wealth level. It is ridiculous to think the the richest 1% want to hold others...

7 Questions That Can Change The World

Debbie Robins | Posted 01.07.2012 | Healthy Living

Debbie Robins

One of my closest friends just shared this brilliant commencement address with me, given by Paul Hawken in 2009. In case you missed it, like I did, I invite you to take the time, amidst the complexities of your life, to read it.

Wealth Gap Between Young, Old Americans Is Widest Ever

AP | HOPE YEN | Posted 01.07.2012 | Business

WASHINGTON — The wealth gap between younger and older Americans has stretched to the widest on record, worsened by a prolonged economic downturn...

No Money? No Problem!

Mira Luna | Posted 01.02.2012 | Politics

Mira Luna

Instead of placing faith in the "economic experts," these currency projects are built on faith in community and the creation of real wealth. When carefully designed, they can be a source of community empowerment, prioritizing caring relationships and community values ahead of profit as well as and generating meaningful employment at local businesses.

"It's the Democracy, Stupid!": The "Vague" Goals of the Other 99%

David J. Dunn, PhD | Posted 12.31.2011 | Politics

David J. Dunn, PhD

To help my students think about the way the market works, and especially how it affects real people, I have them play Monopoly. But I modify the rules to make the game more realistic.

The Cities With The Highest Income Inequality

Posted 12.27.2011 | Business

Maybe Americans are so fed up with growing income inequality because it's so widespread. The cities with the highest levels of income inequality a...

It's the Arrogance, Stupid: Yet Another Reason Why Wall Street Protesters are Really Upset

Seth Korman | Posted 12.25.2011 | Politics

Seth Korman

While the media searches for some common narrative in the recent Wall Street protests, I offer a simplified explanation: Arrogance.

Explaining The Roller Coaster Ride Of The Super Rich

WSJ | Robert Frank | Posted 12.25.2011 | Business

By Robert Frank of the Wall Street Journal The Saturday Essay on the rise of the "High-Beta Rich" and growing volatility of the 1 percent generat...

Stagflation Risk and What This Means for Stocks

Gemma Godfrey | Posted 12.19.2011 | Business

Gemma Godfrey

As the outlook for growth continues to deteriorate, whilst the price for goods and services remain stubbornly high, the risk of stagflation returns. This would be a tough scenario, where policy options tackling one of these issues would only worsen the other.

Generation WTF

Leslie Hendry | Posted 12.13.2011 | New York

Leslie Hendry

Occupy Wall Street is not politicizing, alienating, seeking power or trying to overthrow anything. They are simply asking for serious review to move beyond generation WTF.