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Creating Effective Lesson Plans

Teacher Sitting at Her Desk

Teachers hope to create engaging lesson plans that actually helps students learn and understand the material. The time put into creating effective lesson plans is well worth it. This article provides teachers with step-by-step instructions.

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Secondary Education Spotlight10

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday January 16, 2012

On this third Monday in January, we remember Martin Luther King, Jr., his words, and his life. As we head towards Black History Month during the month of February, we need to find ways to help integrate King and his life in our lessons. This biographical sketch can be used to help your students in understanding this important man.

The Overuse of Discipline Referrals

Saturday December 31, 2011

Discipline referrals are probably the highest level of punishment each teacher has in their arsenal. However, it is important that as teachers we don't overuse them. This article takes a look at four reasons to avoid overuse of discipline referrals.

Why Should We Teach?

Friday December 30, 2011

Teaching is tough, and many people we meet, including close family, sometime question why we do it. They feel sorry for us because of the pay or the kids. However, the truth is that teaching is a wonderful profession.  How many individuals can say that they have had such extended contact with other human beings and potentially affected their lives like you have? If you teach for ten years, have see 25 students in 5 classes each day, you have touched the lives of 1,250 future parents, educators, lawyers, doctors, and more!

This New Year I'd love to celebrate why teaching is such a great career choice. Here are my Top 10 Reasons to Become a Teacher. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

The Importance of Parents in Education

Friday December 30, 2011

Parents play a key role in their child's education. This article looks at the subtle and overt ways that parents can either help or hinder their child's educational career. In fact, just have a positive attitude towards schooling can go a long way towards helping students achieve. Obviously this has to start young and continue throughout the child's schooling years. If parents make their children feel as though school is a burden they have to bear, children will most likely feel this way too. However, if they are positive about its importance and supportive as much as possible, this will provide students with the support they need when tough times in schooling come about.

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