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12 Credit Moves to Make in 2012

While you're making your financial resolutions for this year, keep in mind these 12 moves you should make for 2012.

Start the New Year Right
Credit / Debt Management Spotlight10

Start the New Year With a Debt Diet

Tuesday January 3, 2012

If you made a resolution to get out of debt this year (or at least get started paying off your debt), then a debt diet is what you need. Because getting out of debt isn't an easy process, I created a 5-week Debt Diet eCourse to help you build the foundation to getting out of debt.

When you sign up, you'll get one email per week for five weeks. Each week's lesson includes steps you should take to pay off your debt. The diet starts with you getting your finances to a place that you won't need or want to accumulate more debt. I believe you have to take care of the physical and emotional needs for debt before you can really pay it all off.

You can also preview the lessons and move at your own pace:

Unless you already have the money to pay off your debt, you won't be done with your debt in five weeks. But you will have a strong foundation in place that will help you stop accumulating debt and help you get started paying back the debt you already have.

For email debt help beyond five weeks, sign up for the Debt Tip of the Week which delivers a tip every week for a year.

Image © SuzyM - Fotolia.com

California Bans Employment Credit Checks

Thursday December 29, 2011

Good news for job searchers in California - starting next year, most prospective employers can't use your credit against you, unless it directly relates to your job.

Most job searchers know that a negative credit history won't affect their job performance, but some employers are slow to catch on. You could be turned down for a job if you have judgments, serious delinquencies, or a large about of debt. Several About.com Job Searching readers share their stories of being turned down for a job because of their credit history. One reader says his finance degree is worthless now because of his bad credit.

California is one of several states to adopt legislation preventing employment job searches. According to NBC San Diego, Connecticut, Illinois, Hawaii, Oregon, Maryland, and Washington are the others. A couple years ago, a Federal bill was introduced that would have eliminated employment credit checks in all states. However, the bill died before it ever went to vote.

You're entitled to a free credit report if you're currently unemployed and planning to look for a job soon. Use that free report as an opportunity to clean up errors and prepare an explanation for your bad credit, if you're asked for one. Employers must get your permission before pulling your credit report (they don't check credit scores). That gives you a chance to tell your side of the story.

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Resolutions for Your Credit and Debt

Monday December 26, 2011

There are just a few more days until 2012 and that means it's time to think about your New Year Resolutions. Have you decided what your resolutions will be? Check your credit more often? Put more money toward your debt? If you need help, check out this list of 2012 Credit/Debt Resolutions. When you decide what your resolution will be, share it with us.

Related Reading:

Correct a Forgotten Payment

Wednesday December 21, 2011

Forgetting to pay the cell phone or electric bill is one thing. You usually have to be severely delinquent before you experience the effects of the missed payment. But, missing your credit card payment can have more serious, long-lasting consequences, like fees and damage to your credit rating.

If you accidentally miss your credit card payment don't just wait until the next billing statement comes to make up the payment. Instead, send the payment as soon as you notice you've missed it. Read more: Handle an Accidentally Missed Credit Card Payment.

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